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  1. Popcorn Lung

    Herborizer corner

    Thanks for the helpful info and the link to the new power supply. I think I have a multimeter in the garage—how exactly should I use it to test if it’s the transformer? Also, I tried two different injectors and got the same results with both. I prefer the older power supply with the dial knob...
  2. Popcorn Lung

    Herborizer corner

    Hi FC Compadres, I have a question for those of you who are more technically inclined. My power adapter stopped working, and I’ve had it since January. I keep it on 24/7 since I’m home most of the week. Over the weekend, I noticed the adapter was off when I went to use it. I thought it might...
  3. Popcorn Lung

    Herborizer corner

    I couldn’t get a good read. It looks like it’s oscillating between 8 ohms and 9 ohms. I received the new Herbo today but I haven’t had a chance to use it. When I do I’m going to try using the new WPS with the old Herbo resistor. I’ll keep you posted. Thank you, for checking. Maybe my reading...
  4. Popcorn Lung

    Herborizer corner

    Sorry for the late response. I couldn’t find my multimeter until today. It was in an old tool bag, along with some other tools that were lost, lol. But after speaking with Sebastian again I decided to order a new unit. Nonetheless, it would still be good to check the resistance on the Herbo. Can...
  5. Popcorn Lung

    Herborizer corner

    Thank you, for the suggestion. I have not tried replacing the WPS. Originally, I thought about buying a new one and it looks like there is an updated version available. This is the one I currently have. When I get home tonight (currently at work) I will dust off the old multimeter.
  6. Popcorn Lung

    Herborizer corner

    Hi, everybody. First I would like to add to the conversation about micro bowls. I own the regular Herbo bowl, the original Herbo micro bowl and the updated Herbo micro bowl (left to right). I purchased different aftermarket bases for the updated micro bowl to see if they improved the...
  7. Popcorn Lung

    What Infuser/decarboxylation machine to buy 2023?

    Anyone else have experience with the Hello High? I use the “instant pot” method that one of our members came up with a few years back. It works amazingly well! The irony is not lost on me that it’s in the name already. 😂 I’ve been so close many times on purchasing the Ardent but some of the...
  8. Popcorn Lung

    Herborizer corner

    Sometimes, the simplest things can be the most beautiful.
  9. Popcorn Lung

    Herborizer corner

    Turning the Herbo on and off will heat and cool the glass and o-rings causing them to expand and contract. Over time this will cause the o-rings to lose their original form and the glass injector will loosen as a result. Once the Herbo is on and allowed to reach the desired temperature, the...
  10. Popcorn Lung

    OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)

    Was looking at grinders today and came across this thread. I visited the website and maybe I missed it but what type of grind are we getting? Fine, medium or coarse grind? Sorry if I missed that on the website
  11. Popcorn Lung

    What would be your Trinity of vapes?

    I bought the Herborizer four years ago… I haven’t bought another vaporizer since. The taste is pure and clean. It’s so convenient and proficient too. I keep it on 24/7 and it’s been nothing but reliable.
  12. Popcorn Lung

    Herborizer corner

    Herbo provides the best flavor of any vape hands down imo. I have multiple bowls including the two microdosing bowls and I can honestly say they are not needed. You can microdose just fine with the regular bowl.
  13. Popcorn Lung

    Herborizer corner

    I think your describing every one of us Herbo heads. Before I had it I kept a Log in the kitchen, the Volcano in the lr and the DBV in the office. Once I got the Herbo for the room all the others went into the closet. All the enail vapes out there share a similar design using the larger...
  14. Popcorn Lung

    Herborizer corner

    I only meant that I read the dates wrong lol! When I saw the date 03/01/2022 I thought it was March 01. I completely forgot that the states has its own weird way of writing dates compared to the rest of the world. We are taught both ways as kids but I am so used to reading dates as month, day...
  15. Popcorn Lung

    Herborizer corner

    DoH! :doh: Maybe I need to put the Herborizer down?..
  16. Popcorn Lung

    Herborizer corner

    Any info on why Herborizer has stopped shipping?
  17. Popcorn Lung

    The Nova FX by Ardent

    I both decarb and make thc/mct infused oils in my instant pot using the steps in this tread and I get great consistent results. Right now Ardent is running a $100 off sale and I’m debating the purchase. Anyone compare their...
  18. Popcorn Lung

    Dynavap VapCap

    kind of defeats the purpose of purchasing any of the 2021 lineup no?
  19. Popcorn Lung

    Induction Heater MAD Heaters - Innovative Dynavap Accessories

    I’m in. See. Now you’ve done it. You went and got our hopes up 🤣 Seriously though I love the renderings but June seems like an awfully ambitious release date. I take it that with only renderings available there is no working prototype? To go from prototype to mass production by June will be a...
  20. Popcorn Lung

    Dynavap VapCap

    Thanks for the clarification. Thanks. I only saw the VGFT-21 Complimentary Storage on my invoice. Nothing about an M. I guess maybe I’m an unlucky one edit: I didn’t mean to double post. I couldn’t delete the post above. I must be getting old, I could have sworn there was a delete option :doh:
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