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  1. X

    Anyone able to still smoke and vape?

    I only vape. I tried smoking cigarettes and weed but realized that I'm not a fan. I'm more of an exotic type of guy, haha)) That's why I hit my Geek Bar Pulse X Platinum Edition every day, and I am delighted with what it brings))
  2. X

    DIY Bulli Vaporizer

    Are you saying that the underdog stem OD is low enough that you can can fit it inside of the Bulli TM bowl? That would be fantastic. And just gave me an idea. I wonder if I could flare some glass so that I could screw a stem down tight using the A2-T bowl? All I have is a MAP torch but I...
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    DIY Bulli Vaporizer

    Just had to share this, first metal ego->510 adapter I've seen. Ordered and will report on fit shortly.
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    DIY Bulli Vaporizer

    Credit to Mike for this one, it's a goodie! If you're actually using your Bulli on the go, without a glass stem or a waterpipe, try this; This tip is double-walled so it doesn't get hot on your lips, and you can mix an adjustable quantity of outside air in as well. This means lower airflow...
  5. X

    DIY Bulli Vaporizer

    Wow Pipes that looks great. Plenty of room for the coil and very modular. How much do you think you'll be selling these for? I might get one... I bet 20 gauge titanium would fit well under those washers.
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    DIY Bulli Vaporizer

    I used some Thermomorph to make a holster for my Sig so I can leave it on my new dhgate D020 and use it one-handed. It's surprisingly strong and I used way too much, but hey, it's really sturdy. And molded to my hand. I hold either the D020 or the Sig, I can pop open the GonG adapter as a...
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    DIY Bulli Vaporizer

    I think that I'd get more even heating with your coil Pipes if I had put more outer loops and fewer inner loops-- I think I made a center hotspot because of that. The twisted coil you sent me is still the best one I have, I actually made a 4-holed cover that works great with it. :o But I'm...
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    DIY Bulli Vaporizer

    I've been continuing some experimentation and found that a pair of stovetop coils heats up faster, and cooks a little more evenly than the coils I have been building: There's a fraction of a mm clearance on all sides, it introduces a lot of contact area to the...
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    DIY Bulli Vaporizer

    The so-called Kanthal TC requires you to hit a "preference" button when you reach your desired vapor thickness. Based on reports, it's a marketing ploy. Kanthal alloy is specifically engineered NOT to change resistance with temperature, so you can't employ the incredibly accurate TC algorithms...
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    DIY Bulli Vaporizer

    The problem would be getting a ceramic element that could actually do TC. You need a pure metal element for temp-control, so it acts like an RTD. That limits you to stainless, titanium, and nickel. But most TC mods with nickel/stainless get hot enough, so titanium is what we've been using...
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    DIY Bulli Vaporizer

    I agree with Pipes, the less heat loss you have between the coil and load the more predictable it is. This is simplicity at its finest. However, I found out last night that you can add a second heater cover over the first, technically you could add many-- since I had an undrilled spare I...
  12. X

    DIY Bulli Vaporizer

    I bet that would be incredibly efficient! Got my TM bowl setup last night. Man this thing just wrecks me! I'm just done with other vapes now, I think... As you can see those 3 clouds barely lightened my bud running at low temps. They're just too thick if I get...
  13. X

    DIY Bulli Vaporizer

    Sweet! Looks awesome Pipes. Ready to plug into a big glass rig! Someday I'll have to get some woodworking tools... So many choices with this thing. It'd be perfect as a portable with a VaporFlask! A buddy last weekend kept trying to tell me he was sure his MFLB performed better or as good as...
  14. X

    DIY Bulli Vaporizer

    Wow that titanium coil is a world of difference for TC. Thank you so much Pipes. The Sigelei is perfect like this, I realized as you said that I didn't need to set joules high at all actually, around 40 worked fine. Over 50 and it tripped the dry coil error when not drawing, but at 40 with ~1...
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    DIY Bulli Vaporizer

    Yes, I sure do... hmm... you're right... I've been just filling it partially but I never saw the A2-TM. Perfect!! They have a 24k gold version, lol...! Bit too much bling. I should get my sigelei back soon and can't wait to report back! Hopefully I'll have a chance to use it next weekend...
  16. X

    DIY Bulli Vaporizer

    Got my adapter today, and just noticed you're... not using a stock bulli? Your chamber is a little shorter and fatter. It doesn't fit mine... Hmm! Either way, I'm still planning on 3d printing a mold for a silicone tip. There's just always something else on the to-do list. Pipes, you could...
  17. X

    DIY Bulli Vaporizer

    Well my reasoning is if the metal tip gets hot, it's cooling the vapor, and if I put a silicone condom on the end I won't burn my lips and can get milkier vapor. We'll see. As far as stealth, good point, though frankly so many people are smoking joints and what are obviously concentrate pens...
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    DIY Bulli Vaporizer

    Just saw your post. Do glass drip tips tend to get too hot? I'm actually not discouraged because I can just slip some silicone over the drip tip, it's actually good that it gets hot because my hope was for it to absorb heat. As long as I can draw fast enough through them, the vapor temp seems...
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    DIY Bulli Vaporizer

    That's a generous offer Pipes. You deserve more than postage for all your work. Great info and inspiration. I imagined that a thinner coil would be better, but now that you mention it, the opposite should be true! Just as you say! I think this is why... I was thinking that the core...
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    DIY Bulli Vaporizer

    I lent it to a friend; I extracted the, uh... "Dmitri" :tinfoil: (Looks like glass :science:) for a birthday gift for him and he found a pipe to be a bit harsh, so I'm letting him use my spaceship juice-- I wouldn't try to breakthrough on it but it works GREAT for "pop-ups", which he's been...
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