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  1. J

    Iolite vaporiser

    sorry i dont wanna sound like a newb but wats "ABV":/
  2. J

    Iolite vaporiser

    i have a question.....r u suppose to pack the whole bowl?? or just lil ones?...(wrote it again...didnt sound right lol)
  3. J

    Iolite vaporiser

    i have a question.....u r suppose to pack the bowl completely right?? or just lil ones?
  4. J

    Iolite vaporiser

    i have a question about the iolite....i just got one and i was wondering how do u know when to actually start inhaling the vapor?and when do u know its done for sure.....i have heard that it takes about 15 mins and some say 45 secs so i dont know...i felt the effects for a lil but went away...i...
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