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  1. R

    Any General Tips for a Newbie ?

    Thank you very much for your answers. I started to lower temp but wasn't convinced so I ordered Daisy Flowers and tried it yesterday. That is exactly what I needed !! Lower temps + Daisy Flowers and I really find myself in my Ascent. Thanks again Kerozen and CarolKing !
  2. R

    Any General Tips for a Newbie ?

    Didn't smoke a cigarette for 6 months now, and using it with a 1/3 ratio when smoking it. Really it's not the lack of nicotine making me smoke but the fact that I'm so used to this kind of high and I don't get the same with my Ascent.
  3. R

    Any General Tips for a Newbie ?

    Thanks, it reassures me as I was already following some of your tips. In fact I tried different loads but I'm looking forward to be able to try my own...
  4. R

    Any General Tips for a Newbie ?

    Thank you for your tips ! I do own a Waterpipe adapter (and a Pinnacle Bubbler) so I will try it as a mouthpiece this evening. And I will start experimenting as starting from low temperatures can't do any harm. But what are glass pipe screens for ? Just preventing little pieces from going up in...
  5. R

    Any General Tips for a Newbie ?

    Hi everybody, I decided to "Fuck Combustion" about 7 months ago because it seems like my ENT system can't take it anymore and I went for a DaVinci Ascent because it was the only portable I could get from a local shop (actually a wierd hippie book shop :) ) at this moment. Now you can find a...
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