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  1. spacehobo

    longevity of herb

    I picked up some herbs from a dispensary 6 months ago and forgot about them. If I grind them up and vape them now, will its potency be lower than when I originally got them? Should I even bother? I would hate to waste a good thing. :(
  2. spacehobo

    Arizer Solo

    I just wanted to stop by and thank everyone here at FC in helping me make a great decision on my first vape purchase. I really love the solo after using it for 3 months now. I doubt I'll ever go back to joints. I'm about to give my solo a good clean with some ISO. Is this the best method when...
  3. spacehobo

    Help! Getting my 1st vaporizer.

    Getting a vaporizer in a week. I have narrowed down my choices to three portable vaporizers I am interested in getting. Arizer Solo, Pinnacle, or Indica. I'm mainly going to vape flowers. Two things that I would find important for me are long battery life and good flavor from the clouds...
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