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  1. S

    Purple-Days availability

    Wouldn't you know it my delivery got delayed because of the massive snow dump the N.E. had this week. It was supposed to be here today but UPS is running late. 15 weeks waiting (the last 3-4 weeks were excruciatingly slow) and it comes on the one day per year that UPS can't get here.....very...
  2. S

    Purple-Days availability

    Got my shipping notification.....order # 3075 Ordered 11/3 Shipped 2/10 YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAWWWWWWW!
  3. S

    Purple-Days availability

    SSS Let us know when you get yours shipped as I am right behind you and getting excited... order # 3075 ordered 11/3/09 We have to be getting close now.
  4. S

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Does anybody know what order numbers is on ? I ordered mine around 9 weeks ago order #3075 and am getting excited....probably have a few weeks left but was just wondering what order numbers have been recently shipped if anybody knows.
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