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  1. budster

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Pleasure, finaly get to lay some thanks on you, UNDERDOG. Looks like we appreciated each other. Thank you. (You should have a hug coming your way.) PAX, SOLO, ARIZER V-TOWER, MFLB, VG, ASCENT and soon my flagship the UNDERDOG (Canadian Hybred)
  2. budster

    Chronic pain from accident involving me and a locomotive. It was my job, I was at work.

    Chronic pain from accident involving me and a locomotive. It was my job, I was at work.
  3. budster

    Been burnin 43 years, Doc told me to find another way other than combustion, So here I am.

    Been burnin 43 years, Doc told me to find another way other than combustion, So here I am.
  4. budster

    Underdog Log Vapes

    This company ROCKS!. These vapes are for "the lifers and hardcores". If you are serious about your medications, call them. Good people and a quality product, all add up to a nice secure, warm feeling about my purchase, no regrets, unlike with some purchases made over the internet. UNDERDOG log...
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