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  1. AlexisSmith67

    MJ and Period Cramps

    I know this is a squeamish topic for some but it is a serious issue for others out there! Since I was a teenager, I've suffered for horrible mood swings and intense PMS cramps. I have tried all kinds of midol, Tylenol, Advil.... you name it. I have even been prescribed some form of Naproxen...
  2. AlexisSmith67

    [Question] How Often Should I Clean My Volcano?

    I bought my Volcano about 9 months ago and I haven't cleaned it or done any service maintenance on it to up keep it yet. Should I get around to doing it or is it a pretty much set and forget kind of unit? :\ Also out of curiosity, how often do you clean your equipment??
  3. AlexisSmith67

    [HELP NEEDED] What is a good Mid-Priced Pipe?

    Hello all! I know that this is a no combustion zone but yes, there are times when one MUST combust! I love my Flowermate, Pax and MFLB but somtimes a girls gotta burn ;) If you have any suggestions for a good pipe that is under 50$, let me know! I'm open to trying different brands and...
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