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  1. ChocolateMonk

    Ed's WoodScents Log Vape - Ed's TnT

    I fancy getting one of those vvps but on ebay there are 3 or 4 that look like the ones posted here but all have different powers. out of these which do I want? 4-24V 2.5A 30W 3-24V 2A 48W 9-24V 3A 72W 4-24V 1.5A 36W mtia for any help
  2. ChocolateMonk

    Hose / Whip bubbler MFLB Orbiter style

    I use an Orbiter with my Woodscents log and it works great.
  3. ChocolateMonk

    Ed's WoodScents Log Vape - Ed's TnT

    ive had my WS a good few months now I have to say it the bollocks! best money ive ever spent on anything weed related. it seems to vape anything I put in it including hash and oil, just either make a sandwich with some weed or wrap the hash/oil in organic cotton wool or degummed hemp fibre and...
  4. ChocolateMonk

    Ed's WoodScents Log Vape - Ed's TnT

    Ed is a top bloke and his logs are the dog bollocks, the perfect vape for any civilized stoner
  5. ChocolateMonk

    which one?

    greeting FCer's, So i'm in the market for a new vaporizer and I think I've boiled it down to 2 maybe 3, I'm in the UK so there aint much choice tbh. Ideally I want one that can do weed and concentrate. So if anyone has experience of all of these vapes please let me know the pro's and con's of...
  6. ChocolateMonk

    Aura Hybrid/Hybrid X from Flowermate

    can anyone tell me what the battery life is like for this? 1500mah sounds very low for a multi vape, my v5s only lasts about 5 or 6 'rounds' and that has 2 x 2600mah batteries in it. I can see having to recharge this many times in a day if you're vaping ejuice and weed
  7. ChocolateMonk

    Easy ABV Coconut Oil Recipe(Crockpot)

    just an update. I tried the abv oil in brownies and tbh it was so much better. i used the about same amount of abv as i did before but qwiso it and used the oil in coconut oil and added that to the mix. taste and texture was vastly improved.
  8. ChocolateMonk

    Easy ABV Coconut Oil Recipe(Crockpot)

    yes it may sound a lot but i promise you that is what i put in the mix. the first batch i made i followed the youtube video where they put 20g in and they were hitless. so i doubled next batch and so on. now i find 60ish grams in the mix cut into 8 is ok. 2 slices with a coffee is nice :) my abv...
  9. ChocolateMonk

    Easy ABV Coconut Oil Recipe(Crockpot)

    lol yes puddleglum 2 oz. last batch had 60 odd grams in them and I only get 8 slices. what can I say? im old and been smoking, now vaping, a very long time :D thanks beach bum I will have a look. I take it I can re-abv the coconut oil many times then? a kind of add abv, soak, strain, add new...
  10. ChocolateMonk

    Easy ABV Coconut Oil Recipe(Crockpot)

    np's mate I was not offended. im new to making edibles with vape poo and I just wondered why I can't find any posts about using abv oil in butter. I ask as I have been making brownies for the last few months by just dumping a couple of oz of abv into the mix. but this makes them dry and taste...
  11. ChocolateMonk

    Easy ABV Coconut Oil Recipe(Crockpot)

    your point comes under my 'excluding the obvious' no? and tbh I wasn't meaning do a qwiso and dump the liquid into your coconut oil, jebus! I was thinking more like adding the final product to it. but ok then swap iso for pga.
  12. ChocolateMonk

    Easy ABV Coconut Oil Recipe(Crockpot)

    excluding the obvious like you haven't got any iso or you think it might be dangerous, could I ask why everyone makes abv butter and not abv qwiso butter? wouldn't making oil out of the vape poo and adding that to butter/coconut oil be quicker and taste better?
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