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  1. samantabha


    Well, I haven't been on FC for a while.... I've been working really hard on my business plans and also just working hard. But I just had to stop by tonight. I spent part of my day in handcuffs while the Omaha police searched my car. Yeah! I got to be a soccer mom - turned - criminal today...
  2. samantabha

    The Invisible Woman?

    Having been amused recently by an article in the Cannabist about how women are generally not visible as stoners in the entertainment industry (, I thought it might be worthwhile to start a thread here and maybe create a...
  3. samantabha

    Positively Grokking

    Beautiful morning in July. Perfect for a little Grape God and grok (I think that means thinking in a bigger way ala Stranger in a Strange Land - grokit thanks to you). Smoke wafts out beyond the deck with the laptop standing at attention. First thing to grok? Well, I am thinking that all of...
  4. samantabha

    Vapor Virgin

    Just used a vapor pen for the first time. Sleek little thing, unassuming (it says it's an 'Atmos') So why is the whole earth expanding? I just blew an ant off my laptop. I'm outside on the rapidly fraying but still gloriously colorful Yucatan hammock. I swing lightly here, the headphones...
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