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  1. Jenna_Kitten

    Mate is buying a VHIT Boom!

    The vhit boom is an electronic pipe. go with the solo
  2. Jenna_Kitten

    Trouble Getting Reclaim Off Pyrex Dish - Any Tips?

    I use flexible safety razor blades, they get in the corners real nice. I've also seen what looks like a dabber with silicone tips meant for scraping oil off of glass.
  3. Jenna_Kitten

    Holding in your hits

    I've always heard that any more than 2 seconds is a waste of time
  4. Jenna_Kitten

    Once I vape I can't stop.

    I find that I just get fed up with my vaporizer before I end up using too much weed
  5. Jenna_Kitten


    Haha I always end up heating it up to the point where it's almost too hot to hold. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it eventually.
  6. Jenna_Kitten

    ok to travel by plane with hemp (not marijuana)

    I can't imagine why there would be a problem with it, but as others said, call and ask.
  7. Jenna_Kitten

    I taste 2.0 w/ seego hitC

    Somewhere around 4.2 volts has always worked for me, but it's really personal preference.
  8. Jenna_Kitten

    Best Pen Vape For Wax

    If you have the skills, you can use an e-cig RDA with some stainless steel mesh and a mechanical mod for a good and customizable experience.
  9. Jenna_Kitten

    Vaping in shower

    And suddenly I'm inspired to make money
  10. Jenna_Kitten

    How do you know when your buds are done being vaped?

    I normally vape mine until it's dark brown with black specks, but most people would consider that overdoing it
  11. Jenna_Kitten


    where did you get that pipe
  12. Jenna_Kitten


    I either get really light airy hits or I burn the herb, or even combust. I can't figure out what to do with it.
  13. Jenna_Kitten

    Traveling, what products to hide odor

    I've used Ozium with very good results. It's pretty expensive but it actually does remove smell from the area.
  14. Jenna_Kitten

    Which VV/VW for concentrates and/or Ejuice

    I would highly recommend the Cana Modz hana clone from Cloupor
  15. Jenna_Kitten

    Can I Vape Cannaoil?

    QWISO Has just as much of an explosion risk as making BHO does, so remember to evaporate outside
  16. Jenna_Kitten

    Technical Question: Why is it so hard to build a functional dry herb mod for ecigs?

    Ecig batteries usually cannot provide enough power to vaporize dry herb.
  17. Jenna_Kitten

    Question About Using VG or None??

    You could do it with high fat milk, but not water. You'd have to drink it too. Gets me really baked.
  18. Jenna_Kitten

    Is a hybrid vaporiser possible dry herb + e juice at the same time?

    You could with concentrates, but there are currently no ecig style dry herb vaporizers.
  19. Jenna_Kitten

    Inexpensive pen for concentrates

    I second the seego glacier, that thing is awesome. Big glass sleeve instead of a globe so it wont break in your pocket, and it's about 15 bucks on ebay.
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