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  1. P

    Iolite vaporiser

    Argh - now my mouthpiece screw-in piece has broke, with hardly any pressure having been applied. It's snapped-off so the "screw" bit is still inside the grooves of the chamber bit, meaning I can't even slide a replacement one on. Damn it. :/ Edit: I e-mailed iolite and they said they'd send...
  2. P

    Iolite vaporiser

    Yeah, the shorter mouthpiece makes it hotter, but also I feel like I'm actually drawing on something, rather than the unsatisfying longer piece, which feels like I'm just breathing air and getting essence of weed. It's probably just psychological as I'm used to a hot toke, but it did feel...
  3. P

    Iolite vaporiser

    How fine is fine? Are we talking near-dust, or just not in buds/big pieces?
  4. P

    Iolite vaporiser

    Yeah, I figure it's early days, and the hit I had after posting was actually improved from the first couple of days. But it wasn't anywhere near as heavy as with the same amount burned in a spliff. I shortened the mouthpiece and it had a more powerful feel to the inhalations, but I'm not...
  5. P

    Iolite vaporiser

    I've had mine for a few days and I'm a little underwhelmed. I find myself wanting an actual toke afterwards as it delivers a heavier hit and is more satisfying. I'm a regular toker, but I don't smoke tobacco, so it's not even like I'm missing that extra bit. My setup involves putting...
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