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    Rand Paul Makes My Day!

    to me, less government means more corporate control. and there's already enough of that. with politicians, at least you can vote them out. you have no voting rights when a corporation is given free reign to rape and pillage the assets of the people of the united states.
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    Rand Paul Makes My Day!

    i have no sympathy for the old style light bulb. learn about nikola tesla and his contributions to society and you'll be ashamed of supporting anything thomas edison. secondly, i cringe when i hear people champion the "consumer". consumer culture is a death sentence. when i think of...
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    Dealing with your dealer

    since the obama administration has decided to use stormtroopers in montana i have had to resort to the traditional dealer rather than a dispensary although i am a legal mmj user. i never deal with him direct but have a good friend make the deal.
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    Christianity and Weed

    it's virtually impossible to determine the place of anything within a christian context when the religion is based upon a flawed concept. the bible has been edited, translated, mistranslated and supplemented and therefore cannot be the true word of god. the bible itself tells of it's fate...
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    Who likes Seinfeld?

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    The Canadian Government's Grand War on Terror

    it's a damn shame that greed and stupidity are taking canada down the same dead end path as the u.s.
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    Drove a Chevy Volt today...

    if i recall correctly, the fix for the pedal was to shorten it to keep it from catching the floor mat. no need to panic if your gas pedal sticks (which can happen to anyone in any car). put the car in neutral.
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    Drove a Chevy Volt today...

    one thing about all those recalls.....most of them were not related to any part of the drive train. a gas pedal fix is a pretty easy one.
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    Drove a Chevy Volt today...

    laugh at it all you want but my corolla hasn't needed anything but regular maintenance for 110,000 miles. it's nice that chevy is finally getting it together but they have a lot of ground to make up for me to trust them (or any) american auto company. hell, my last american ride had it's...
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    who likes metal music?

    do you prefer nsbm for the music or the lyrical content? just curious, not here to pass judgment. i like all kinds of metal. classic stuff like maiden, manowar, mercyful fate. other stuff including enslaved, burzum, bloodrain, krallice, some thrash. not into much death metal outside of...
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    Can I point something out ? The Bread Standard

    the solution to rising food costs in our country is to make a shittier, less nutritious version for a low price. not sure if the loaf analogy can work under those circumstances. soon, we'll all be eating sawdust (or soylent green).
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    Smart phones....what do you have? What do you like?

    i use the cheapest, crappiest cell phone available. on purpose. because if i need to look anything up i'm using your phone. hahahahaha it's funny that they call them smart phones when all they do is make people dumber. people used to pay attention to what they were doing and where they were...
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    just broke up with someone i still love

    you have a good friend.
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    just broke up with someone i still love

    when you've got kids, a job and a mortgage on the line you're going to think about these times and laugh about how easy they were. those are the things that truly test a relationship. if i could go back in time i would take all my prior relationships with a grain of salt and enjoy them for...
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    let's talk baldness

    i think i'm going bald i had long hair in my 20's but when i saw nature winning the fight i shaved it all off. luckily, my head is round so it looks o.k.
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    feds raid montana dispensaries and grow ops

    an update: our mmj law has been twisted so badly it has been rendered useless. here's an article with details....billings gazette . although i have a card i currently have no legal way to get meds. it's black market again for me. btw, the federal raids have resulted in NO ONE actually...
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    Anyone else addicted to facebook.

    outside of a couple forums i don't interact via the internet. facebook would have to pay me to participate.
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    feds raid montana dispensaries and grow ops

    the warrant was for a violation of the controlled substance act. no other charges have been filed and no arrests have been made.
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    I asked my doctor about medical marijuana

    maybe so. i found it very disturbing that your doctor's response was to insinuate that you weren't interested in fixing the problem. that's not a medical opinion, that's a personal attack.
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    I asked my doctor about medical marijuana

    i would switch doctors immediately. not because they won't prescribe mmj but because the doctor is not looking out for your best interest. he's just another pill pusher getting kickbacks from bigpharma.
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