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  1. A

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    I did not disrespect anyone at this forum and only stated "FACT". Telling me I am out of line because of "FACT" is where I draw the line. FACT- VaporBlunt responds here but not to any of the last 4 messages I left them. I don't get the point of this forum. No worries....I will no longer post...
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    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Out of line? Really. I have read the thread all 185 posts. What does that have to do with trying to get a call back or an answer from the "MANUFACTURER" I guess some people think it is ok to run a business this way. You being a Professional Vaporist obviously know it all and feel this way...
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    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    VaporBlunt It seems you spend more time at this forum than you do answering your phones and providing customer support. I left three messages in concern over how hot my new Pinnacle Pro is getting. I am new to the entire vape process and am concerned that I am inhaling plastic. It gets real...
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