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  1. DirtyBongWater

    Nausea: The Monster

    Celebrex & old time Viox never worked for me..sucked actually ..and viox as been removed due to law suits and unsafe.. i use now cabapentin..heavy dose 3 times a day along with small amount of vicodine and a coltapin at bedtime.. best i have felt in a long time .. and of course vaping...
  2. DirtyBongWater

    What type of a vaper are you?

    i am such a dummy,,i own one,,it's Storz & Bickel ..must of been thinking of birds lol yes i truly love mine,,has single handed in letting me enjoy herbs still where i thought i would have to quit forever,,if you fill the chamber right,,it lasts awhile ..i burn mine on the hotter side,cause i...
  3. DirtyBongWater

    What type of a vaper are you?

    i use the Plenty by storks & bickle ,,a desktop because of A/C ..but still real easy to take anywhere..looks like a power tool .. :rockon:
  4. DirtyBongWater

    Mmj with a Pacemaker

    my uncle was elderly,about late 70's when these issues came up.. his pace maker& difribulator (spelling) where old.. i am sure if there were issues with electronics at casinos,that they would have figured out a solution..can't be that many being rushed to the hospital from winning or losing
  5. DirtyBongWater

    What type of a vaper are you?

    i was laying in the sun ,on a lounge chair in my an extention cord,drink,radio,sunscreen of course hehe & the plenty .. portable enough for me !!:rockon:
  6. DirtyBongWater

    Nausea: The Monster

    i was super old school..never pipes as a rule..hardly ever a bong..always nice beautifully rolled joints..even prided myself on how well i could roll..and the taste OMG nothing better than sitting my ass down and taking a nice big rip of GDP mmmm yummy.. well ,let me tell ya..after 3 months...
  7. DirtyBongWater

    Nausea: The Monster

    Just keep hanging in there. NEVER give up. I myself was ballsy enough to book a trip to Colorado in August...on the train. Awesome .. got a little space in the suitcase for the to the bathing suit & briefs lol .. i know i do ..just hoping homeland thinks it''s and adult toy & not...
  8. DirtyBongWater

    Mmj with a Pacemaker

    i have no clue,,but you would think ,vaping as long as not choking and coughing real bad..I would not assume it would be harmful ..A little side note uncle had one for years...only time he ever had bad issues,is when at the Casino.. had to rush down twice,to meet him at the...
  9. DirtyBongWater

    Nausea: The Monster

    been 3 months for me..still have pain..but sad to say am use to that..was the added trips to the er for massive testing and dry heaving for 3-4 days ,the stress on my already falling apart body..the weight loss,,messing up my meds while in the your feeling so good is an awesome...
  10. DirtyBongWater

    Nausea: The Monster

    hey yall .. just an update.. those who don"t know i suffered from "CHS" since reading this thread and help from others here . I am strickly a vaper..changed my diet a bit and get better rest .. so far so good ,,been a few months and no nausea or feeling of to date .. i have also started walking...
  11. DirtyBongWater

    What type of a vaper are you?

    my vape is the plenty.. so though it is tech a desktop it is semi portable and easy to bring anywhere there is a/c..i have only use one portable unit and it was the magic flight and i just didn't care for the amount of vapor you got from what seemed like endless sucking
  12. DirtyBongWater

    What STRAIN works the best for your condition?

    hello fellow vape-a-roonies hehe.. indica strains are always listed better for pain.. i myself like the higher sativa strains..just because of the uplifting high.. i find it to get me more motivated to want to do things,instead of laying there couch locked.. more activity for me is better..i...
  13. DirtyBongWater

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    so true ..for me it is as simple and effective as can be...and the quality of the draws is consistent every time..even at the end,,last few draws the taste is super ..
  14. DirtyBongWater

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    awesome !! was trying to think of a way to use the plenty with a bong for extra just an 18 mm with an O-ring around plenty piece .. happy vaping !!!!
  15. DirtyBongWater

    Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

    Again let me express my extreme sympathy and compassion for those that suffer so much from this problem and also the bias's against them. We have few people with the knowledge to help us with CVS, that also have compassion. i am so hoping this works..been paranoid to get sick again.. because...
  16. DirtyBongWater

    Do You Have a Vaporization Routine...

    i am just the opposite , i really need my "meds" god i hate that term lol lets say my cure all ( as my wife likes to call it) it's just that when i use to smoke,,bong or joint ..i would want to go back to bed within 3 hours .. now waking & vaping ahhh so much better for my nausea and...
  17. DirtyBongWater

    What STRAIN works the best for your condition?

    I am a chronic pain patient.., (spine issues ) and i find that GDP ..grand daddy purple works best for pain .for me .. I've recently had great pain control with both Jack Herer and 3 kings. Also both have helped with muscle spasms and intestinal distress.
  18. DirtyBongWater

    Just ordered a new vaporizer...

    awesome of luck.. i was getting sick from smoking,,so trying to cut down and use my far so good .. Modnote: Edited to fix quote tags.
  19. DirtyBongWater

    Why do millions love vapes, but some hate them ?

    could not agree more.. i would have started vaporizer use 2 years ago ,if not for the bad experience i had with the vaporizers and users themselves.. lame weak hits..didn't actually know if i got a hit or not,,mentally & physically not feeling satisfied ,,and that bad bad taste after the first...
  20. DirtyBongWater

    Why do millions love vapes, but some hate them ?

    Since only vaping reg for a week..i have noticed a dryness ( still not as bad as mung mouth) lol . i am trying to figure a way to and how i would hook up this style vape , to one of my water pipes also i have to say i am hooked on vaping..i love it hehehe .. mod note: Please take care to...
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