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  1. S

    Tincture Questions

    "The purpose of the simmering is to heat the alcohol mixture to improve extraction rates and efficiencies. Heating during extraction increases the motion of the molecules (basic physics/chemistry) and drastically decreases extraction times. The boiling point of pure ethanol is 173°F (78°C). We...
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    Tincture Questions

    I think I've found all the info here.
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    Tincture Questions

    Thanks Lo! So no heating, vaporizing off the alcohol or standing is necessary. What's the dosage from the final product? What's the significant of holding the stuff under the tongue? What's the candies recipe? I'll search for the firecrackers recipe. Thank you so much!
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    Tincture Questions

    Hey Lo, Can you post a recipe that works? There are so many variation for tincture. How do I know which one to follow? Is GD still the the only one? How do I alter it with ABV? How about this one? Is it safe for the eyedropper to be stuck in alcohol for a long time? How long can I store...
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    Arizer Solo

    How often I would need to replace the screen? "ASH COLLECTORS fitted with a SHERLOCK or BUBBLERS are enough." What are these? Thanks!
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    Arizer Solo

    Hi all, I ordered the solo today. My first Vape. What else do I need? Screens? Water filtration? If so, how to connect it with the Solo? Recommendations with links in Canada will be appreciated! Thanks!
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    Discontinued The Firefly Vaporizer

    Don't you need to clean the inside of the unit? How often do you need to change the screen? Thanks!
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    Discontinued The Firefly Vaporizer

    ... a link to a reliable review could help...
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    Discontinued The Firefly Vaporizer

    Sorry, never heard about it. Never heard about these either...
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    Discontinued The Firefly Vaporizer

    Wow darkrom, thanks for this review. Quality of vapor and easy on the throat is the most important factor in choosing a vape for me! Correct me if I'm wrong, apart from the Minivap (which is double the price...), the FF is the only portable convection vape, isn't it? FYI, I'd like to share an...
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    Discontinued The Firefly Vaporizer

    Thanks for all the replies!
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    Discontinued The Firefly Vaporizer

    Hi all! I am thinking what Vape to buy... The Arizer Solo or this FF. From reading here I get the impression that the FF has a lot of problems. Everyone is complaining, fixing and returning... Advice will be appreciated. Thanks!
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