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  1. Adamblake Onders

    Take a month off-Get combustion out of system. return as pure vapist-Wise?

    i thought I was expecting 2 much, and u 2 bro's showed me the light. Because of your kind words, I am now no longer ashamed. That's right. I WANT VISIBLE VAPOR. and theres Nothing wrong with it. ...thanks to u 2 for showing me that. And thanks for the quick replies and great advice. I...
  2. Adamblake Onders

    The Herbalizer

    In reply to NIgel's post on Over medicating- I can't speak on the subject of overmedicating with the Herbalizer since I don't own one. However, I'm new to vaping all around and you've pretty much explained my experience thus far lol. I think I might have to take somet time off and come back...
  3. Adamblake Onders

    Take a month off-Get combustion out of system. return as pure vapist-Wise?

    (Apologies for my grammar- tend to subconsciously slip into screenwriting format) CONFESSION/ MY STORY- Until recently i was a shameless, knuckle dragging, combustion cretan. I grew lazy to such a degree that putting water in my "bubbler" began 2 be too much of a hassle...
  4. Adamblake Onders

    The Herbalizer

    This unit sounds incredible. Im sitting and dreaming ways to scrape up the coin for this. example: renting it out by the hour in a controlled setting- the vape equivalent of a hookah bar. Dunno about you all, but I'd hella throw down 20 bucks to get an hour alone with this bad boy.
  5. Adamblake Onders

    someone try this vaporizer.

    Thanks alot for the reference. This is the only place i could have ever even HOPED to find a review on it. Like what i read. Think i'll buy it and give it a go.
  6. Adamblake Onders

    someone try this vaporizer.

    - from their site Is the AroMed classified as a medical device? Not yet, until our field research has not ended. A scientific conclusion (double blind tests are to be repeated, but till now medications seem to be very successful when used against symptoms of bronchial diseases) will be...
  7. Adamblake Onders

    someone try this vaporizer.

    i was doing some really intensive googling for my ideal vape unit, and stumbled across what I consider to be the holy grail of vaporizers. It sounds like a dream. it vaporizes your herbals while at the same time vaporizing water, then delivers you a...
  8. Adamblake Onders

    Help a brother out.

    Help a brother out.
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