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  1. westcountrygirl


    Hey C Hey Captain, thanks for chiming in to help me out. I know lots of people who swear by the Volcano and it sounds like a great device. I've decided against it because of the price tag - it seems unnecessarily indulgent for a solitary user who wants to conserve their home-grown bud. ;)...
  2. westcountrygirl

    Please help a newbie choose a desktop vaporizer

    THANK YOU, Clouded Vision and Magic9! My (current) plan is to buy a HA and investigate log vapes which I was having trouble understanding how they could possibly work... your posts, links and videos were very, very helpful. :)
  3. westcountrygirl


    I'm beginning to figure that out. :)
  4. westcountrygirl

    Please help a newbie choose a desktop vaporizer

    Magic9, I think new vaporists like me ignore the suggestion for a log vape because I know I for one can't understand them! I'm also uncertain how to tape through a water piece, or attach anything to a bong. This is all brand new to me, which is why I'm looking for a device that I can simply...
  5. westcountrygirl


    That was precisely the information I was looking for. Thanks so much.
  6. westcountrygirl

    Please help a newbie choose a desktop vaporizer

    Thanks everyone for your input. The HerbalAire seems to be a good choice for me, and I think I'll go with it (will wait until tomorrow in case someone offers a good reason not to!). Max, thanks so much for linking to Vaposhop on your retailers page. Unfortunately, they're in the Netherlands and...
  7. westcountrygirl


    Newbie question: I was very unhappy with Da Buddha and have been advised to buy a Volcano. I see it's often been described as a great "party" vaporizer. But this would be for one solitary user. Is it suitable? Many thanks!
  8. westcountrygirl

    Please help a newbie choose a desktop vaporizer

    Hi all. I've been reading this forum for the last two days - using the search function and checking archived threads. While it's been great, I think I'm suffering from information overload. I need to make a decision pretty quickly for health reasons, so hoping a few questions can be answered...
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