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  1. K

    Leaking oil cartridges...?

    Ok, so the whole oil cartridge deal is new to me. I've been using my Pax for a few years, but just recently started making my own cartridge oil and using the e-cig oil cartridges. My question is, what's the deal? I bought a 10 pack of "leak proof" wick cartridges and 7 of the 10 leak. When I...
  2. K

    Recommend a wax vape for under $100?

    I recently purchased a Source Vape Slim 4 after reading some great reviews. I used it for a couple days and I'm not loving it at all. It's going back. Too much heat/not enough vapor = killing my throat and just making me cough constantly. I see some good reviews for the Kandypens Mini, but...
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