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  1. V

    Purple-Days availability

    I hear you, I myself have just recovered from a few months of terrible health and I lost my uncle who I was very close with. Wasn't trying to seem pushy or anything with my post I just really hope I get it soon heh. Everyone that has one seems to be in love with it.
  2. V

    Purple-Days availability

    I ordered mine September 20th. I thought it was supposed to be 7 weeks, I'm getting ancy haha :(. Order number 2717, praying it didn't get lost or something. From looking at the last few pages, it looks as if my status should have changed by now = /. If I got skipped I think I might cry haha...
  3. V

    Purple-Days availability

    Ordered a vape on the 20th. Order number 2717 I believe. I have an easyvape now (hate it, biggest waste of $140), have used a vapor bros MANY times (great units), volcano etc. I've never used a PD but I'm buying it strictly due to all the ppl telling me on Grasscity that they are in love with...
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