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  1. B

    Arizer Solo

    thanks, lots to try, will get back to you when experiment is done thaks for the input. yep sure is different from a number, will hang in there and try and get my head round it mod note: Please avoid back-to-back posts, use Edit instead. Two posts merged.
  2. B

    Arizer Solo

    thx, will give it a go, i suppose 37 yrs of combustion its going to take a while plus understanding the nuances of the solo to. notreally getting to where i want to be, roll one and im good, bizzare really. but will keep persisting with it as all ive read is great feedback for it. thx for replying
  3. B

    Arizer Solo

    thanks brother, been grinding quite small, but loosley packing. will give this a go. just purchased a turbo so hoping this will help to
  4. B

    Arizer Solo

    hi had mysolo about a week now,not seeming to get big cloudsjust thinish vapes,always been a combuster, so any help greatly appreciated.
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