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  1. M

    Iolite vaporiser

    Geeza, I had similar problems with my Iolite after I first got it. However, with mine the meds would not turn brown they would just get very dry/crispy but stay green. It simply wasn't getting hot enough. Ultimately, I sent it back to Ireland for repairs and other than some ignition issues...
  2. M

    Iolite vaporiser

    I have come to realize that my Iolite is EXTREMELY temperature sensitive with regards to ignition. At temperatures below 65 degrees it is very difficult to ignite. After turning on the gas, it will take up to several minutes before the gas flow is strong enough to ignite. The butane will hiss...
  3. M

    Iolite vaporiser

    purchased from
  4. M

    Iolite vaporiser

    I also bought mine new off ebay. When I sent my unit in for warrantee repairs, they accepted my paypal receipt as the proof of purchase with no problems.
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    Iolite vaporiser

    Iolite has instructions on their website for how to remove the broken piece of the mouthpiece stem that is still threaded in the unit. Basically, just turn it on and heat it up. Then you can stick a scissor or knife blade into the opening where it is broken-off and unscrew the broken-off piece.
  6. M

    Iolite vaporiser

    My replacements came in a plain yellow padded envelope.
  7. M

    Iolite vaporiser

    I've had my unit for several months. When I initially got it, it would ignite immediately however it did not heat up to a high enough temparture to generate vapor and I had to return it to mfg. in Ireland for repair. Almost immediately upon receipt of the repaired unit the iginition problems...
  8. M

    Iolite vaporiser

    Mine does this exact thing also. I have tried venting and refilling but the problem continues. I only use Vector butane. I have to wait until I hear a good spurt of gas and time my press of the ignition button to that spurt. Sometimes I also have to tap the side of the unit to get more gas...
  9. M

    Iolite vaporiser

    Yes, they sent them to me for free. I had emailed the mfg. when they first melted.
  10. M

    Iolite vaporiser

    My replacement stainless steel mouthpieces arrived in the mail from Ireland today. Will be giving them a try in a couple hours.
  11. M

    Iolite vaporiser

    I had the same issue with mine and ended up sending it back to Ireland for repairs. Cost about $15.00 for registered mail to Ireland (from west coast of USA) and it was returned to me repaired about 3 weeks later. Mine initially was just not getting hot enough to generate any vapor at all.
  12. M

    Iolite vaporiser

    thanks for the tips. I have an extra mouthpiece stem that came with my original unit, so can at least get by until that one also melts off. Will give your mods a try.
  13. M

    Iolite vaporiser

    I almost got thru 2 days of use of my repaired iolite... this morning, about 15 minutes into a session the mouthpiece stem melted off. Damn.
  14. M

    Iolite vaporiser

    Thanks for the reply WillieR. Do you know what page the mouthpiece-to-hose mod is on? Is that just to avoid/repair the melting issue? did you go back to the factory default for the configuration/order of the 3-holed screen/retaining ring in the mouthpiece? I haven't noticed any more...
  15. M

    Iolite vaporiser

    I received my repaired iolite back from Ireland yesterday. Although they never replied to my email asking what they had repaired, the unit does now work. I'm getting vapor! Besides actually getting vapor out of it now, the other thing I noticed is that the outside of the unit does not get as...
  16. M

    Iolite vaporiser

    ok, setting was wrong choice of words... malfunctioning thermostat maybe...:D
  17. M

    Iolite vaporiser

    Received email today from Ireland that my iolite has been repaired and shipped back. I mailed it to them on the 10th of September. No indication from them as to what they repaired (no vapor generated, I suspect thermostat set too low). Sure looking forward to receiving a unit that works.
  18. M

    Iolite vaporiser

    you could use an infrared thermometer to determine the temp. They use a laser pointer to aim and take temperature w/o having to be in contact with the unit. theoretically you could aim it down the mouthpiece and take a reading thru it.
  19. M

    Iolite vaporiser

    finally had a chance to try another brand of butane (Colibri) and it made no difference, still no vapor from my unit. So, it will be packed up and shipped back to Ireland this week for repair/replacement.
  20. M

    Iolite vaporiser

    yes, definitely getting the roar. I finally got ahold of the mfg (had to call them to get a response), and they also suggested trying a second brand of butane before throwing in the towel. Will give that a shot with my fingers crossed and see what happens.
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