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    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    wooo, I don't know if I'm lucky, but only two days after ordering my SS Cera LL, I already got the USPS notification mail !! It seems that the wind has turned in the good way for all of us. Thanks TET and FC community. OGD
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    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Hi everyone, I just ordered a ThermoVape Cera Stainless steel Loose Leaf with 3x2900mha battery + charger and a thermal cap. I'm ready to wait for 5 weeks (as TET said on the confirmation mail), after reading nearly the entire thread I really hope everything will be fine with mine. OGD
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    Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!

    Hello everyone, I'm a 32yo canadian and really want to say fuck to combustion. I had my first vape a week ago, and decided to invest in a vaporizer to medicate myself. Thanks to all of you for all those precious informations !
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