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  1. D

    Best solo arizer model?

    I;m looking to buy a solo vaporizer whats the best model? Should I buy new or used?
  2. D

    Portable Vaporizer $2-$300

    Hey guys thanks for all the responses. First off stealth isn't important if it affects quality... I have a MFLB currently and I feel like its time for an upgrade. I will use the vapo myself 99% of the time my friends like smoking joints. I dont plan on hooking the vape up to any bongs of...
  3. D

    Portable Vaporizer $2-$300

    Looking for a portable vapo I would like to spend $300 or less what do you guys suggest? I will be vaping crushed weed not oils I would like something thats battery powered, preferably stealth if it doesn't affect performance...I'll probably be using it 2 or 3 times a day
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