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  1. Idioteque84

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Thanks, I just spoke with Zeki over at TET and they are e-mailing me the return shipping info so i can get it in the mail to them today!!! Really impressed with their customer service! Now hopefully I can get my baby back before Coachella Weekend 2!!! (Wishful thinking) Any updated on what's...
  2. Idioteque84

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Sad News... my Cera EO has stopped working. She had been working like a champ since she arrived last week... Then this morning I noticed it was taking forever to produce vapor, about 45-60 seconds, and could only get very small hits. Then came back and tried a few minutes ago..... and...
  3. Idioteque84

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Just purchased my Cera (essential oil) this morning!!! Let the countdown begin =)
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