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  1. emmceeadams

    Cannasian Ginger Salad Dressing! Yum!

    I'm on a caveman diet so cookies and sweets are out... here's a yummy and (mostly) healthy way to use your abv. To make it healthier, you can substitute olive oil for the bacon grease. This recipe makes 2-3 servings. First, combine 1tbsp sesame seed oil, 1tbsp bacon grease (mine tends to be a...
  2. emmceeadams

    ABV Breakfast! Fave recipe, first post...

    confession. at the age of 6 I ate pupperoni pizzas and loved em lol
  3. emmceeadams

    ABV Breakfast! Fave recipe, first post...

    Teehee! It's totally like dog treats for people!
  4. emmceeadams

    ABV Breakfast! Fave recipe, first post...

    So this is super simple and makes the worst tasting ABV delicious... Preheat your oven to 225 degrees Place strips of bacon on pan and sprinkle with finely ground abv Cook 10-15 min (till the edges start to brown), flip Sprinkle again and return to oven till cooked to preference!! That's it...
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