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  1. Vaked420

    Weed and sex life

    I'm actually not like this. I'm a man and weed gets me in the mood usually. It makes me more sensitive to the touch and I think at this point I've associated a little bit of vape with sexy time. But I guess I microdose to begin with so that might be part of why I don't get the sleepy effects as much
  2. Vaked420

    Vapes that require no stirring

    Volcano and underdog log. Most vapes are on a scale of whether they benefit or not from stirring. Even the volcano can benefit sometimes from stirring, especially if the bowl is exceptionally large
  3. Vaked420

    Athlete Vaporists?

    Ya I did the same while I was combusting regularly. Sold my MFLB and then a year later was like why did I do Report back and let us know if you notice any difference on the lungs! One thing too since you're fresh to vaping is I've noticed a lot of people who make the transition end...
  4. Vaked420

    Flavor vaping techniques

    My fiancé is the same. She uses an MFLB just for the subtle flavor and a subtle headspace change usually after a couple drinks haha
  5. Vaked420


    Huh that's cool that some have vapes. I won't be buying one now since I'm leaving in a few days and don't want to bring anything potentially smelly back to our airbnb. We are staying in de pijp. Probably won't travel too far to a shop since it's usually in the afternoon when I'm consuming and...
  6. Vaked420


    Currently in Amsterdam for about a week and don't have access to a vape :( I've been smoking a joint once a day in the afternoon so far and this was the 3rd day/3rd joint. Some things I've learned -Wow holy shit did I forgot how much everything smoke related smells fucking acrid, including my...
  7. Vaked420


    What vape(s) do you use? Probably best to compare it to an average load in your vape
  8. Vaked420


    I believe a very small portion of the thc naturally breaks down into thc-a within the flower, so I wouldn't be surprised if eating a large large amount got you some effects. But ya basically wouldn't get you anything. I get what you're saying and I'm a strong believer in all of us having...
  9. Vaked420


    Didn't mean to say that it would make it shorter, just less intense for the long duration so I wasn't tripping balls for 12 hours and rather just buzzin for 12 hours instead. Psilocybin isn't a drug? Microdosing has definitely opened my eyes to the possibility of trying other drugs out with...
  10. Vaked420


    Also has anyone applied microdosing to other drugs? I have always been one to use the minimum amount necessary, but this thread and my microdosing of cannabis has intensified my interest in microdosing other drugs. I had been wanting to try LSD for a while, but didn't want a full blown trip for...
  11. Vaked420


    I smoked a .6 gram joint today of some decent bud and got basically a mild buzz. It made me sad to remember just how efficient vaping is... .01 gram out of my MFLB would have gotten me more stoned...or I could have used that .6 grams to load like 3 volcano bowls... makes me sad for all the...
  12. Vaked420

    How much bud do you vaporize per session?

    Ya concentrates just take more precision and more self control. I used to micro dose concentrates pretty regularly, but I'd also have to take very regular breaks from concentrates when I would let it go overboard. Very easy to do lol
  13. Vaked420

    Driving whilst high

    Sorry didn't mean it as a negative thing. I'm just a negative nancy sometimes haha. We all make sacrifices for what we value in life. Didn't mean to offend at all. I commend you on the personal strength to value your family as such. I'm really just dealing with personal issues of having to...
  14. Vaked420

    Driving whilst high

    Yup. The system sure is good at sucking us in lol
  15. Vaked420

    Driving whilst high

    Ya basically what I was trying to get at. Just that it's possible to also be really really baked and still be under the limit. The real issue is, even with alcohol, a blood level test has never been a good test of intoxication. It works better for alcohol, but is basically meaningless for the...
  16. Vaked420

    Driving whilst high

    I have heard swab tests are notoriously inaccurate, and in the sense that they give false negatives, not false positives. So I personally wouldn't be too worried, though I don't know the political climate of these areas and I also am not sure if this is the same type of swab test being used...
  17. Vaked420

    Driving whilst high

    I've thought about this a lot, but for regular vapers/smokers there's a good chance it would take 24 hours to flush your system out. I definitely worry about this. I assume they have no way of roadside drug testing. Also @Bladesman I've often long thought about the fact that I can be much...
  18. Vaked420


    This is basically what the MFLB is to me. Carry it around and take a puff when I'm feeling it. There are definitely others tho that are good at this as well, I just don't have as much experience with various vapes as others
  19. Vaked420

    Driving whilst high

    Unfortunately in cases like this what usually ends up happening is, the officers will turn a blind eye to small cases, but will use at as probable cause or to win something completely unrelated by basically shining a negative light on you because they can. At least thats what ends up happening...
  20. Vaked420


    I used to just take a mason jar around with me and put little bits in my MFLB after grinder as needed, but that got tedious and bulky so now I probably put a quarter to half a gram in my grinder at a time then carry that around and put in my after grinder as needed. Then I can track how long it...
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