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  1. W

    PUFFiT portable

    I've also noticed that taking long, slow draws from it makes the best vapor. If everyone did it like that, I think most of the problems would be solved. And you mentioned the cigar-puff technique.. The name of the device is "PUFFit" for a reason lol.
  2. W

    PUFFiT portable

    Hey, thanks for replying. I feel I fixed my problem, but I am noticing I still don't feel as "medicated" as I did with smoking. I'll try what you suggested and lay off of smoking for awhile.
  3. W

    PUFFiT portable

    I feel dumb for posting this so soon, but I just loaded puffit again, this time with more medication and packing it down more, put it on 8, and took long slow draws. Doing these things produced some nice vapor clouds for me and now I definitely feel medicated. All there is to wish for now is for...
  4. W

    PUFFiT portable

    Well this is my first vaporizer and it was my first time using one. I've been a heavy smoker, smoking at least a few bowls a day and a few blunts. Maybe I have a tolerance built up and I should stop for a day or two? Any suggestions help.
  5. W

    PUFFiT portable

    So I got my puffit in the mail yesterday, charged it, and vaped two bowls back to back. There was no vapor(using settings 6-8), only the first couple draws tasted good, all other draws tasted like plastic, and I never felt medicated. Today I only vaped one bowl, not wanting to waste any...
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