Search results

  1. old-fart

    Perplexity "Deep Research" report on Cannabis health effects...

    I ran the following query on Perplexity's Deep Research. Here's the conclusion, but you can click the link to read the entire report. There is a lot more in the report beyond the conclusion, and I think it's an interesting read...
  2. old-fart

    What's a FTK bong?

    Fab Torus Klein? Is this "right" Faberge/Fab Egg/Straight Fab - A very popular and staple design in the shape of an egg that is made of two swiss perc sections that give it a very unique function. (1) the term klein refers to the type of weld or seal that is required to make the klein bottle...
  3. old-fart

    Completed Wanted: brilliant Cut Grinder coarse plate

    For a standard size aluminum grinder. I’m in the USA. Please let me know if you have you can sell.
  4. old-fart

    Tariffs? Buy stuff now?

    If Trump does what he said he was going to do, and implements significant tariffs on goods imported from China into the US, glass I’ve been eyeing on dhgate might become more expensive. I’m seriously considering buying sooner rather than later.
  5. old-fart

    Do you use lists?

    I've always found lists useful. I had a love hate relationship for personal list managers when I worked, so over 30 years. I tried many. Sometimes they worked for me for a few years, then not so much. Then I retired and rediscovered cannabis! Hah-Zah! I use Google for almost everything (even on...
  6. old-fart

    Rescheduling discussion thread

    This tread is to discuss the rescheduling of cannabis from schedule 1 to 3. Fun post from 2012 on this topic What's the future of rescheduling? Is rescheduling beneficial or...
  7. old-fart

    The Deal Thread

    Post good deals here. Please post links to the deal too. Solo III for $200 (see the code on the vendor's home page) Flash Sale: Arizer Solo 3 Only $200 LESS THEN 20 REMAINING Use Code "75offsolo3" Some other deals on Arizer products too
  8. old-fart

    How much do I need to vape…

    How much do I need to vape to forget the election?
  9. old-fart

    Frankenstein desktop bong

    I took what I had on hand and made myself a franken-desktop bong! I started with a Blown Glass Co beaker bong and figured out a way to have it situated so the dynavap is straight up, and the bong is angled to best use the water in the base. I then use the whip and mouthpiece from my Iceborn. I...
  10. old-fart

    Is element vape legit?

    Element Vape <> seems to have some pretty good prices, possibly too good to be true. M7 for $49 VonG(I) for $80 B for $30 Plus a...
  11. old-fart

    My DIY debowler....

    I just bought a Dynavap from a member here, so I haven't started Dynavapping yet, but I was at the Dollar Store and saw this plastic bowl for $1.25. I like that it has a lip on the bottom to allow a little space for a screw head. One hole drilled, a screw, a nut and a couple of washer and voila...
  12. old-fart

    Smoke eraser anyone? Company dead?

    I was looking at getting a smoker eraser, but they’re out of stock. I sent them an email to find out when they would get more stock, but no reply. Anyone know if smoker eraser is still alive? Thanks!
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