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  1. P

    For Sale V1 puffco peak pro with galloway glass

    V1 top lights don't work and theres a cut in the silicone for cleaning under there. Galloway single ratchet, 3d chamber with tuff tether sleeves, mad hatters aluminum joystick, and stock joystick. 185
  2. P

    Completed Simrell anodized micro setup with wand 165obo

    Burl stem Helix and mp matching anodization perforated cap air control valve wand that has scene better days but still functions. battery door clip is broken so its held on with a little electrical tape atm but other than that it keeps chugging. 165obo. Trying to get this moved.
  3. P

    Completed dtv5 setup with mod 80obo

    Unused xl cup The base got a chip when I tried to heat clean it. Does not change anything just looks bad. Artic fox on the mod. 80obo
  4. P

    For Sale Pcloudys new year sale and new price drop on 1/8

    Feel free to offer on anything as I am trying to clear out stuff I am not using much anymore Dot leaf 55obo Couch log setup 350 CC dante with whip Sold Black mvs with short and long midsections 110obo can add a 9 fin tip if interested in whole setup SOLD Hyperdyn with fmj SOLD Simrell micro...
  5. P

    For Sale Vapman station 280obo

    Vapman station from the original "preorder" that I used two times. I've parted ways with most of my vapman collection so it's time to part ways with this. 280obo.
  6. P

    For Sale Cosmic extractor and dtv5 setup

    Cosmic extractor in blue mahoe 3-d printed base Wismec with artic fox two wooden mouth pieces but one has a little crack glass dimpled mp a few basket screens whip setup dtv5 spacer got a little chip taken out of it somehow current bowl wont get any cleaner than that with burnoffs brand new xl...
  7. P

    Completed Simrell micro vap with 9 fin and flat mp Sold

    Kingwood body Kingwood mp (doesnt match super great) Purple 9 fin Purple flat mp Spinning mp components mini wpa that I added an oring to so I could use it in a 14mm piece Will have some sort of ccd in there. Need to dig through my dv stuff and see what I have. 2's cap 140obo
  8. P

    For Sale Kingwood couchlog

    Had to pay for my toad so time to unload some of my other luxuries. Kingwood couch log Two mouthpieces, one is unused Extra board for temp controller (old one went bad and got sent two so replaced the bad one and have a spare) Couple extra screens Not pictured but included is all the wires and...
  9. P

    Completed Blackwood shorty with matching mp, ti tip, non captive cap, captive cap, silver fmj 125obo

    Black wood shorty with matching mp. Only one Ive ever seen personally. Ti tip, non captive cap with simrell logo, and a captive cap with the circuit fmj.
  10. P

    Completed Italian Vapman with RWW wpa 95obo

    I dont need 4 vapmans. Rww wpa, metal mp, and an adjustable air flow mp. 95obo
  11. P

    Completed Oww Bong Sook Shin in Padauk? 80obo

    This is an original model of the Bong Sook Shin with the male to male adapter as the wpa. Ive included an 18mm one that I havent tried but it should work with it along with a few brand new screens. Im like 80% sure this is Padauk as it very closely resembles my noisy cricket. 80obo
  12. P

    For Sale Dotleaf 1.5 85obo

    Dotleaf 1.5 with brand new oven. Missing 14mm wpa. 85obo. Let me know if you need batteries. I have some kicking around I can toss in with it if so.
  13. P

    Completed Black vortex with Vong tip 90obo

    Been working on my black anodizing Vortex with vong tip and fmj 90obo Looking for Urban camo tip Sand blasted tip Simrell perforated cap
  14. P

    Completed Oww Micro V4

    Didnt get a lot of traction on the v3 seeing if anyone is holding out for a v4. V4 used less than 20 times but more than likely used less than 10 times. Includes extra mouthpiece, intake, two sets of orings for both, screen for intake, screens for bowl, funnel, and scoop. 150 obo on this one
  15. P

    Completed WTB Simrell Flat Mouthpiece Assembly

    Anyone have one that they dont want/like/need? I have money and a few trades.
  16. P

    For Sale Dynavap burl stand and OWW Micro V3

    Dynavap burl stand 75obo
  17. P

    Completed (H) PPGS (W) Italian pure vapman

    Tried twisting the top off without warming it up first and all that sticky leftover hash caused me to twist the oven out of my vapman pure. If anyone has a pure they arent using let me know, any condition as fine and I dont need a case or lighter or anything. Thank you and happy holidays!
  18. P

    For Sale v3 micro and simrell warehead

    Parting ways with my olive Grendel couchlog. Comes with extra olive and Grendel sleeve. Vgoodies glass bowl, under dog alpha glass bowl, defreeze olive bowl. Standard power cord and magnetic power cord included. SOLD Spalted maple v3 with wpa, scoop,screens, and orings. 100obo Simrell warhead...
  19. P

    Completed Davinci Iq2 package 100obo

    Picked this up to use as my vacation vape and then just ate edibles the whole time. I'm just not going to use this. Iq2, pouch, 4 batteries, 6 ceramic capsules, 4 stainless capsules, capsule holder, there are some rubies in the flavor tube, I wanted to see if they helped with cooling...
  20. P

    Completed Dr Dabber Switch

    Dr Dabber Switch. Sic Cup, quarts cup, one dry herb cup, bubble cap. Stock items minus the dab tool which I cant find. Just not using it a lot and would like to move it along. 225 very obo as I dont know what these are fetching either so feel free to offer. Only trades would be a phase 3...
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