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  1. Perfect_Speed4069

    Where are you vaping right this second?

    I've been dragooned into visiting a nightclub. Currently sat outside, under a tarpaulin (because of Storm Darragh) with a Vapman, some Durban poison, and a good book. Where are you doing what you doing?
  2. Perfect_Speed4069

    Hands across the ocean - or mutual aid and Ents in other countries

    Many FCers are based in countries/territories where it's hard to source particular equipment - glass, devices etc etc. Often this is not because of particular Governmental restrictions but because particular manufacturers or vendors are unwilling to send to other countries/territories. (And why...
  3. Perfect_Speed4069

    UK Glass (or at least vendors based in the UK)

    Finding interesting glass in the UK is not always straightforward - so I thought I'd list a few UK-based suppliers in the hope that you might know some I don't and together we can build a decent, comprehensive-ish list. Maybe your local headshop has a half-decent selection. Maybe you know some...
  4. Perfect_Speed4069

    Vaphit QOQ

    If I hadn't sorted my VAS, I'd be all over this. Looks like an excellent addition to the Vaphit lineup, although a little more expensive than their previous offerings. Has anyone any experience yet?
  5. Perfect_Speed4069

    What'll happen to your vapes and equipment when you're no longer around to use them?

    All flesh is grass etc, and many of the larger collections pictured here are held by people who are... well, aging. So what will happen to all that gear of yours when you're pushing up daisies? For those of you with a significant other - will those custom stems give them as much pleasure? Or...
  6. Perfect_Speed4069

    Distilling the collective wisdom of FC using AI

    There's a huge amount of knowledge buried in the pages of FC - thanks to the generosity, obsession, enthusiasm and kindness of the odd-bods that hang out round here. Also, after wasting weeks of my life here, I know I've yet to absorb everything I've read, and I know I'm not the only person to...
  7. Perfect_Speed4069

    Chat - the vestigial tail of FC

    So, to my shame I've not clicked on FC Chat before this evening - and discovered its IRC Aside from bringing back 20 year old memories of PGP encyrpted ICQ, I wondered has anyone used this recently? Was it ever used? Or is it like the Resources Section?
  8. Perfect_Speed4069

    Buying stuff on Instagram

    I'm horribly out of touch, and need help to understand the etiquette of Instagram. I'm aware a number of makers prefer to sell via Instagram, but as I've never had a reason to use the platform, I don't really know where to begin. Are you expected to follow them? Are there ways of finding out...
  9. Perfect_Speed4069

    Preload or reload?

    With some vapes (DV, Dani), I reload as soon as I'm done, ready for next time. But I would never dream of doing similar with other devices - the Vapman, bricks, any number of Glass TEDs. Do you preload? Just dosing caps?
  10. Perfect_Speed4069

    UK Glass -

    Has anyone come across or used any of this interesting looking gear? Cheap too, but it's a couple of weeks til payday for me.
  11. Perfect_Speed4069

    Butane torch thread

    Many of us who use butane vapes have taken long and circuitous journeys to find our preferred lighters. Dynavaps need different to Bricks need different to Vapmans and Anvils, yet there's still no thread offering help to people looking for the lighter/torch that best fits their use case, and at...
  12. Perfect_Speed4069

    Broken glass, an appreciation

    Many of us feel a pang when a piece cracks, breaks or smashes into a gazillion pieces. Worse still, when the breakage is small yet enormously significant to the functioning of the piece, like a razor sharp chip in a mouthpiece. Even small hairline cracks are a reminder that eventually you're...
  13. Perfect_Speed4069

    How did you arrive at your FC Handle

    I often ponder the names of fellow FCers and the meaning they hold for the person behind the avatar. Do you care to explain yours? Unfortunately my tale is more cautionary than inspirational. I used the name Reddit auto-assigned me, for the sake of continuity. I think it relates to driving a...
  14. Perfect_Speed4069

    Vaphit Quartz Cap -

    Very cheap, very effective little convection device. Deserves more love as an endearingly odd mashup of TRWWs Terpscle (the holes) and the Quartz Caps (the rest of it) (with maybe a dash of Camouflet Convector, too). Full kit with spares and a carry case for $14. Mentioned a couple of times...
  15. Perfect_Speed4069

    Small, cheap high quality bubblers - for travel, stealth etc

    There's already a fantastic thread on CHQBs. But can anyone recommend the very best small bubblers for the FCer about town, using the following criteria? Size Price Robustness Function I travel a little. My j hooks aren't that robust, and I no longer have my Sake Bottle.
  16. Perfect_Speed4069

    Vape related euphoria

    Here's a curious feature of a neurodiverse intoxication: the intense feeling of delight associated with a preferred vape, or method of ingestion, and the need to inform those around you. In my case it's often related to the simplicity of the device, its relative lack of expense, or its...
  17. Perfect_Speed4069

    Vaporising with glass, in particular hash

    So I'm not sure. Does the discussion of pipes like the one below belong here or in the portable vaporizers thread?
  18. Perfect_Speed4069

    Vaping, manufacture and intellectual property

    Many people here get vexed over the apparent theft or reiteration of someone else's ideas. Often these concerns are presented alongside an assertion that goods made in particular areas (eg China) are of inferior quality, or, if the quality seems decent enough and/or they are manufactured in...
  19. Perfect_Speed4069

    Elev8r on Aliexpress

    £20 including (6 weeks) delivery from Ali Express. Hasn't arrived yet, but wondered if anyone else had tried, yet mod note: Links to sales sites removed. People can find these easily enough. We don't need to help them.
  20. Perfect_Speed4069

    Custom Glass 101 - a worked example?

    I hear a number of folks talking about custom glass, sharing designs and ideas, and getting things made to order - by approaching local glass blowers, or occasionally international/Chinese companies. I have no idea where to begin with this. Can someone talk me through the kind of process...
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