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  1. The_Herbn_Legend

    Vapor Catch, anyone? Bueller?

    Anyone use their service? Reliable? Trustworthy? What say you?
  2. The_Herbn_Legend

    Question concerning hash oil

    hey guys, I have a buddy that just gifted this hash oil to me for some work I had done on his house. He got it from someone else and wasn't sure on how it was made or if it's edible or smokeable. Any ways maybe you guys can help me out... I'll try and post pictures when I get home. But it's in...
  3. The_Herbn_Legend

    Need 3 different style vapes

    I know when choosing a Vape, it's all a matter of preference. There is no one size fits all in this industry. I like many users here can't choose which vape to go with. I currently own just the Digi Volcano. Which I love dearly:tup:. I am now on the hunt for three specific needs in three...
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