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  1. S

    Clogged Extreme Vaporizer - how to take off glass heater cover?

    Hello my extreme has suffered a huge loss of airflow, and when i run the fan, some air is making its way out the tube, but i can also feel air being pushed back out the bottom of the unit. If anyone has a link to a discussion on this topic please post it, i have tried the search function but it...
  2. S

    Question re: hooking whip to bong via gong connection...

    I am trying to hook my extreme to my bong, however my bongs female piece is not ground glass. Are their different kinds of adapters? can i just buy a new female piece that is ground glass? Who's a reliable retailer to deal with within canada who offers these products? Thanks
  3. S

    Extreme Whip Elbow Discussion

    While using my extreme in bag mode I generally always use the elbow, and i get about 2 bags of quality visible vapes. In Whip mode however when using the elbow, I usually set it at about 190-200 leave it sit in their for at least 5 mins. I always seem to get one Massive epic blast that almost...
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