Search results for query: "error 5"

  1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: 5
  1. vaporcloud

    Arizer Solo II

    My Solo II use to throw the odd error code 5 and 7 and shut off. It would restart again fine and away we go. Hasn't done it for ages now.
  2. OF

    Arizer Solo II

    Bummer. I think it's come up, you might search "Error 5"? Or just "Error" as I think there may have been more than one number???? IIRC it 'went away' when the owner charged it? Or shut it down while charging? I vaguely recall speculation that it had to do with wiring in the oven...
  3. Dynavaper

    Arizer Solo II

    Okay. Panic. My brandnew Solo II shows an "Error 5" and stopped heating up. Can I fix that myself or is this a classic "Return to vendor" situation?
  4. JCharles

    Arizer Solo II

    They still are. I've had a few of each lately and emailed Arizer. They want me to send my unit in (again). Hooe I get the new firmware on the return!!
  5. BigJr48

    Arizer Solo II

    You should have spoken to Arizer about it, they were exchanging units with error codes for new ones.
  6. vaporcloud

    Arizer Solo II

    I wonder if the updated firmware has ironed out the bugs. Mine still throws the occasional Error 5 or 7 but never fails to fire up again and is working rock solid.
  7. vaporcloud

    Arizer Solo II

    In submitting an RMA for my Solo II. Getting random Error 5 and Error 7 codes. Also on high temps it's close to combusting. The load gets very black and charred. Something is not right . It's very sad. I'm not sure how long this process will take but the thought of not having my solo around...
  8. vaporcloud

    Arizer Solo II

    Hey welcome to the forum. My Error 5 caused it to shutdown. But it started up again no problem. It did it when I removed the stem. Twice but not again. As I said mine sees a lot of action. It's a good vapor producer. I hope it continues.
  9. OF

    Arizer Solo II

    ...Let me be the first to warn you not to let @ataxian near your glass, he breaks stuff....... Error 5 is a popular topic here. If you enter "Error 5" our primitive (and not easy to use......) search function lists near a hundred times it's been spoken of, latest being yours, now mine will be...
  10. BracBrac

    Arizer Solo II

    Hello, I am new here, but I own a Solo II, and I had the Error 5 on the first one after 3-4 weeks, when inserting a tight stem, and sent it back and Arizer sent me a new one, and then the second one had the Error 5 after about 3 weeks, for no apparent reason, sent it back, now I am on my 3rd...
  11. JCharles

    Arizer Solo II

    Fingers crossed I'm wrong... When I saw my first error, it was a week or so before I saw it again. Then it was every couple days until my unit would no longer read the temperature during warm up and would auto shutoff. From what others have said as well. Once you see an error it's a matter of...
  12. vaporcloud

    Arizer Solo II

    HK48 - my own backyard strain. My Solo II is black. I admit I've had a couple of moments with my Solo II. Twice now it has shown an Error 5 and shutdown when removing a stem while the unit was on. This was a couple of weeks ago and it's worked fine since. It's my daily driver so gets a ton...
  13. tonuzzi

    Arizer Solo II

    Yup that was me as well, Insert cold stem and turn on the unit. I also had an Error 5 appear a few days before the Error 7 appeared, but i attributed that to having the solo 2 sitting in my car overnight at -18C and turning it on the next morning without letting the unit warm up a bit in the...
  14. JCharles

    Arizer Solo II

    We don't know what the error codes mean. Only that the unit will become unusable shortly after seeing the code. I do know that an Error5 is not the oven quitting as it will still heat up but the unit does not register the temp change and auto offs. Instead of the reddit link just do a quick...
  15. HippieHitman

    Arizer Solo II

    Just got my unit last week whats error 5?
  16. JCharles

    Arizer Solo II

    Did you go through Arizer directly or the retailer you purchased from?
  17. McSheamus

    Arizer Solo II

    I had an error 5 and only had to send my unit in, no accesories/charger...
  18. metaknight

    Arizer Solo II

    Maybe someone could contact Arizer about this error code? I have an Air II now so I could possibly get an error code similar to this along the road.
  19. McSheamus

    Arizer Solo II

    Cool to hear man! Few weeks ago I got my replacement unit shipped from Germany (I'm in Belgium). Between me sending the broken one and receiving the (also brand) new one was 2 weeks and 13eur though :( Nobody told me what was the cause for the error 5...
  20. WildChild

    Arizer Solo II

    Happy to hear your replacement is going strong, @Pappy. Mine is too. :tup: This truly is a great little unit.
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