Search results for query: "error 5"

  1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: 5
  1. OF

    Arizer Solo II

    Bummer. Unfortunately, you're not alone. A search on 'error 5' says we've talked about it a lot, hundreds of times? Sadly the only fix I recall is a trip to the shop. It's not covered under the 'life time heater warranty' as I recall, but 'new' units have been quickly replaced. Good luck. OF
  2. GoldenBud

    Arizer Solo II

    Got error 5 now. the Solo II can't heat up. any solution?
  3. WildChild

    Arizer Solo II

    Turns out my 'Error 5' that prevents the heater from working and shuts down my Solo II is not covered under the lifetime heater warranty. Not too shocked at this news but am still a bit disappointed. The unit I have now was replaced two years ago when I had another error code. They said I...
  4. happynomoretobacco

    Arizer Solo II

    feel sorry for you wildchild! maybe you ask here on FC how to DIY a kind of vape from things which are around you. or you making you butter from your weed and edibles
  5. WildChild

    Arizer Solo II

    Just got the dreaded 'Error 5' code and automatic shutoff a couple of days ago. Ugh! No fix for that other than starting an RMA and sending it in. The only problem is that I am under lock down in Ecuador with no foreseeable flights back to Canada. And I certainly can't risk sending it from...
  6. VapeWell

    Arizer Solo II

    I wish I had kids like you, Letter! As a further endorsement of your thoughtfulness, I’ve been loving my S2 for 6 mos. and suddenly got the much feared “Error 5” on the screen. Reached out to Arizer. Got a free shipping label and in 2 weeks got a new replacement. All for $0. What terrific...

    Arizer ArGo

    I've only ever seen the Error 5 on our house unit and IIRC one of our clients who we directed to Arizer for repair/replacement. Error 2 also was our most recent client inquiry which I think is more power related, Error 5, not sure, but it may be more heater related guessing at what caused ours...
  8. Lag

    Arizer ArGo

    For sure. Extra glass is always nice. Any insight into what that error actually means? I figure I just burned out the heating element. Luckily that's lifetime warranty.

    Arizer ArGo

    Same thing happened to us. Error 5 and they sent 2 x 90mm for the Solo/Air, but it got me to break out the Air2 and try it again with longer glass which was better than the plastic tipped 70mm. I don't think the US Service center had ArGo glass to send back when we had to RMA. Glad they have...
  10. OF

    Arizer Solo II

    Thanks. These things start somewhere, usually. Hard to call that a "loose heater problem" though, and certainly no reason to be scared off Solo II. No defect in design to wait for Arizer to fix? It was a 'non stock' stem (for which Arizer has no control) and didn't happen right away...
  11. WildChild

    Arizer Solo II

    Hi, OF Actually, I may be responsible for the 'loose heater' concern. Back when I first got my Solo II I used a PV stem that seemed (was) slightly too large. It was a VERY snug fit and I used to twist the stem during a session. Not long after, I got an Error 5 or 7 (cannot remember). I...
  12. Lag

    Arizer ArGo

    Looks like i need to send in my ArGo for another warranty claim. Tried to fire it up and got an 'Error 5' when it didn't look like it was able to heat up. Tried two different batteries and even while plugged in. feels bad man.
  13. OF

    Arizer Solo II

    Then I suggest you ask them, AFAIK it's not a common problem........ Like I said nobody seems to be talking 'loose heaters'. Except you. Between Solo I and II and Air there are many hundreds of happy owners enjoying their units. Probably thousands. And, since the cup/heater doesn't firmly...
  14. Cuthbert Sinclair

    Arizer Solo II

    someone said that they twisted the stem while removing and inserting it and eventually that made the heater loose inside and eventually they started getting either error 5 or error 7
  15. Cuthbert Sinclair

    Arizer Solo II

    Hello everyone Posting after very long A few years ago after reading every page of the arizer air thread and taking the good advice from all you guys I bought the OG arizer air it has served me well. Very happy with with all your advise and view . Thank you all Now looking to buy the solo...
  16. ataxian

    Arizer Solo II

    My 3 original SOLO’s work perfectly 4-me? The new SOLO 2 must give one extra life? I must be not seeing correctly? Just got the new batch of GDP and the SOLO is very decent? Maybe I just don’t get it? A BLUE SOLO seem ‘s cool?
  17. arb

    Arizer Solo II

    Error 5 is a rma.
  18. BlazeDis

    Boundless Tera

    Hi was going to pick up a Solo II and reading a lot about Error 5/7 etc so kind of scared me off a bit and brought me here . Have just skimmed through the thread , and these questions have probably been answered already ... I will read more when I get in from work but can this device be modded...
  19. OF

    Arizer Solo II

    First off, welcome to the Forum and all the fun. Lots of good folks around here, hope you stick around. Great choice for a first vape. I'm not sure where you got the idea that Solo II was more powerful or useful, IMO neither is the case. Solo II carries more battery power which means more...
  20. O

    Arizer Solo II

    hello everyone, I wana buy myself a vaporizator. I find the arise solo 1 and 2 interesting. it will be my first vape ever! I'm so much wanting to have one that I just need to make a choice between solo1 or solo2. I don't care about the price difference. I know for a fact that solo2 is a more...
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