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  1. TommyDee

    DIY Induction Heater Builds and References

    You're on the right track @beigh . Personally I would recommend a lab-style supply as they are a lot more versatile. Something among these for under $50 - You are looking for watts. Having the power meter (watts) on the lab...
  2. TommyDee

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    Terps are weak molecules. Temp-stepping starting with low temps assures more fragile molecules remain intact. This affects the entourage profile.
  3. TommyDee

    DIY Induction Heater Builds and References

    The origins of this thread:
  4. TommyDee

    DIY Induction Heater Builds and References

    More power just turns into more condensation in the condenser. I was running around 90 watts and made the remark that my vape seemed to be disappearing. Sure enough, a runny blonde syrup developed quickly in the condenser that is normally a deep dark crimson red over a much longer period.
  5. TommyDee

    DIY Induction Heater Builds and References

    The strongest part of the field will be the center of the coil 10mm is a bit short but worth a try. I wound the outer part of the coil around the inner simply to use up the extra length of wire.
  6. TommyDee

    DIY Induction Heater Builds and References

    Aluminum is not fully transparent to RF but it definitely helps. Remember that there is an RF field along the legs of the coil. Typically you want the design to route the two wires close together. You might be disrupting the field around the two chokes.
  7. TommyDee

    DIY Induction Heater Builds and References

    @maremaresing - you're problem is that you have a metal box. You are inducing current into the chassis. It also appears you have shortened the coil wire significantly. They are tuned for 3S with the wire being 33" long. You're coil-wire length could be sufficient to try a 2S arrangement.
  8. TommyDee

    Dynavap VapCap

    That mouthpiece isn't working for me esthetically. Too small and a poor blend.
  9. TommyDee

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    There is such a thing as 'RF-transparency' which determines the interaction between a material and how it reacts to the RF field. This is fairly easy to test. Measure the current with an 'idle' IH and then insert the material in question into the coil and see if the current changes. A good...
  10. TommyDee

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    This is correct. The cap shields the inductive field.
  11. TommyDee

    DIY Induction Heater Builds and References

    Watts is watts. Eventually everything will heat up, so the question is, wat rate of heating do you want. 120 watts based on the standard module is nothing to sneeze at. I find 60-70 watts to work out perfectly for a DV. This says you can easily double the mass of the tip/cap and still have a...
  12. TommyDee

    DIY Induction Heater Builds and References

    My last measurements were of some 419 caps I got a few years ago with the 3rd batch of cap materials. They came in at a GR of 5:1. The '3rd batch' was of the original source. Learned since then that making 304 stainless steel magnetic requires work hardening the material. That means is it...
  13. TommyDee

    DIY Induction Heater Builds and References

    I think this requires a center-tapped coil @kokolokokolokon since it only has one choke.
  14. TommyDee

    DIY Induction Heater Builds and References

    @132ikl - Your low power draw may be your cap. The weakest cap I ever had came in at around 2.5 amps on a M'20. Also check the voltage at the input of the module to see you have at least 10V. The way you make the power level a bit higher is to remove a loop from the coil. Of course, winding...
  15. TommyDee

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    That's disturbing as ebony is one of the toxic species.
  16. TommyDee

    DIY Induction Heater Builds and References

    Click would take a little longer The click would come a little sooner Number of turns seem to have less effect The multiple layers is simply to use the complete wire length The ingress depth moves the clicker further from the sweet spot. This delays the click allowing more heat to build up...
  17. TommyDee

    BaKx (heating principle) inspired desktop vape

    @highvaper - coil wire impedance can be modified with limitations. If you are staying with the 12 awg magnet wire, it is pretty easy: The stock coil is 33" for 3S operation (12V). The stock coil is 10 turns; This equates to approximately 1V/turn, or 10 watts increase for each turn removed...
  18. TommyDee

    BaKx (heating principle) inspired desktop vape

    My iron is a 20/40 watt RadShack special with a 1/8" chisel tip. Solders 12 gauge coil wire to the plane with ease.
  19. TommyDee

    BaKx (heating principle) inspired desktop vape

    You can tame the heater a little by removing one of the black capacitors. If you want to use a high temp shrink tubing, look for PTFE shrink tubing. This minimizes outgassing.
  20. TommyDee

    Mail Order CBD

    If their readings surpass 0.3%, they don't except it. The growers are usually the contractors so they have a vested interest in meeting the test requirements. I don't trust growers to deliver top shelf flower. I prefer a reputable reseller. I buy strains so I am limited to who I buy from...
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