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  1. Raf

    Grasshopper AC Adapter Kit (and 18650)

    @maxvapor710 thanks, i just tried sending a basic email (no forwarding) and it worked. it seems like what was causing the problem is that i was trying to forward the paypal 'payment received' email and it was being rejected for appearing like spam. you can ignore my rambling voicemail.. or it...
  2. Raf

    Grasshopper AC Adapter Kit (and 18650)

    @MoltenTiger thanks. i was more concerned that the email is bouncing tbh but i appreciate the fast reply. It will be good that it took longer if the end result is better
  3. Raf

    Grasshopper AC Adapter Kit (and 18650)

    im trying to email and it keeps returning an undeliverable mail fail message, using both the email associated with paypal and an alternate hotmail email. Are other people able to email today? I pre-ordered and then completed the payment in early May but havent heard...
  4. Raf

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Are all four of the batteries ghb1? unfortunately none of my ghb1 batteries will hold a charge anymore. Seems like by now they are too old. The tldr version about the battery situation is that there probably won't be new ones available until April. As far as the posts after mine...
  5. Raf

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    It may interest you to know that titanium Hopper units being shipped from the Canadian planet of the Vapes have serial numbers slightly younger gt013xxx compared to the other set I have that basically just won't quit that have serial numbers gt014xxx. The battery also took a while to charge and...
  6. Raf

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    thanks for clarifying. Sorry direct questions and lack of default "believe the victim" attitude comes across like I'm a shill for HL. Glad to hear someone will just hand you a unit. It's hard to understand how not providing all of the context seemed ok to you. once you put their question...
  7. Raf

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Seems like it took @Hopper Labs CS slightly more than 1 hour to find a request for help posted in a random complaint forum (not emailed to support@hopperlabs or even the main thread) and fix the situation. Yeah.. they don't care or try hard. :rolleyes:Pffft.
  8. Raf

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    You said they offered to up charge for upgrade and wait for new model OR send you a replacement OG version. I asked you if they were charging you more for the replacement OG version and you just glossed right past that. now you're mixing up different parts of the two offers to where it makes...
  9. Raf

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    That's cool man! I agree having the working unit is way better than waiting for China to contain its virus and produce batteries and/or needful parts for GH2. So just to be clear, did they charge you to get the 'non original' replacement unit? I feel like maybe this is a story about how good...
  10. Raf

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Guess I didn't read the original complaint carefully enough. Sorry. Seems like they should have offered you a refund or pay to upgrade option, in that case. Kind of sounds like they're saying that they will upgrade for you and just take whatever you're willing to throw at them (or did they...
  11. Raf

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    On the surface I guess it seems like why wouldn't they just do it for nothing but they're basically saying you have a fully functional and repaired device available and that for a small fee it can be upgraded even further. Installing those upgrades would cost money and so they are giving you the...
  12. Raf

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    This feels tragic to me like all you had to do was buy a nitecore (or other) charger. The little magnetic Chargers have never worked for me. I didn't let that stop me. In other news... pls Jesus @Hopper Labs , tell me the battery factories aren't in Wuhan province?
  13. Raf

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Yeah I wonder about the Chinese batteries too. I am curious to know what are the EARLY warning signs, if any, that are observable from a faulty battery. I understand if it is melted or exploded then it's faulty lol, but if I can't have a nice Star Trek computer style voice counting down from...
  14. Raf

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    paperclip not gentle enough for me lol. I worry about scratching the chamber or damaging the plastic ring. Whatever it is... looks more like PFA than ptfe, some kinda of fluoropolymer? Seems like it cant be silicone since it endures isopropanol. Whatever it is, i dont want to damage it and...
  15. Raf

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    im stupid, must be all the lavender aromatherapy relaxation. Meant to say: 18mm male to 14mm bushing adapter as a funnel. so its a short ~1inch thing. easy for holding on top of hopper with one hand and dumping into end with spoon :D. handy size for pocket also.
  16. Raf

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I know it's been said before but I love those little individually bagged wooden toothpicks. I think that's the single most important grasshopper tool besides something to charge the batteries with:lol: For a funnel, 14mm glass male to female bushing style adaptor can be held over end of hopper...
  17. Raf

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Asiavapes GHB unboxing/gender reveal spoiler alert: For whoever else bought batteries from Asia via their Asian warehouse, good news! mine finally just arrived and they are the correct type without the China stamp. (Catalogue pic showed ghb1) Taking a charge really well so far :tup...
  18. Raf

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    The dude just asked what work-around was used for the back end. If anyone saw ulterior motives in that then trust me you're too f****** high Ever hear of peer-to-peer learning or science? Advancements get made faster by sharing information As a sober bastard, the initial question came...
  19. Raf

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    @maxvapor710 is a manufacturer of cool stuff, but not a grasshopper employee. That is the mix up. :tup: It seems like this amazing work around will be ready sooner than the first batch of the new batteries:hmm:
  20. Raf

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Holy wow :clap: nice threads dude Much harder than I thought to find the survive! Tropic Thunder meme :nope: Can this have a stationary bike mod, in case I need to power my grasshopper during the post-apocalypse?
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