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  1. Grass Yes

    Ultimate, all-glass, non-toxic, "healthy" vaporizer (2023?)

    I encourage you to read each of these medical certifications and standards. Absolutely none of them are about vapor or inhalation. Most are about electrical interference and recall procedures. A major one is for battery safety. It's dishonest marketing and has absolutely nothing to do with the...
  2. Grass Yes

    Firewood Vaporizer

    I actually thought it was a triihouse lily at first. And that is a compliment.
  3. Grass Yes

    Firewood Vaporizer

    My imagination can hold out hope for a return if the FW7-style WPA! Anyway looks amazing. What do you mean? I see FW9 stock there?
  4. Grass Yes

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    Yeah if you keep the coil pretty tight it stays close to the wired temps for sure. And I think the ball chamber covered by the handle is not a problem because it's above the coil and getting a lot of heat that way. The Chaos has a large section outside, but above the coil, and still heats very...
  5. Grass Yes

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    I went with the easy mode.
  6. Grass Yes

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    I think it's weird to even call it a hack. Literally you just put a handle on it and heat it with a slightly open 16mm coil. It works great. I exclusively use my SX this way now. The only enhancement I would make is to possibly reduce the volume of the media chamber so it isn't covered by the...
  7. Grass Yes

    TinyMight / TM 2

    I'm surprised they didn't have the same warning on the wrap. Mine do.
  8. Grass Yes

    Nova by Doug's Woodery

    I like a single flame best. A small torch is all you need, like a vapcap. Any of those three will work and I'd experiment to see which you like best.
  9. Grass Yes

    TinyMight / TM 2

    What battery came with your TM2?
  10. Grass Yes

    Cloud Connoisseur Glass

    I'm not sure why you are looking to pick fights in this thread but please stop. I also hope that you are not implying that Cloud Connoisseur copies anyone's designs. I think that would be a shitty false thing to imply and would especially sting given that I know that iDB has been a friend to...
  11. Grass Yes


    This is in no way intended as shade, but a good cleaning would probably help reveal the issue.
  12. Grass Yes

    Cloud Connoisseur Glass

    I just use silicone plugs and iso for my prophet. It's worked great for years.
  13. Grass Yes

    Pinch Hitter by Vapvana
  14. Grass Yes

    Pinch Hitter by Vapvana

    Ah, I see. One could definitely build a new PID controller to use a current sensing switch. Not relevant to the discussion of the Vapvana PID controller, of course. Although I would probably just build an Internet connected PID controller like Jcat's if I went that route.
  15. Grass Yes

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    Looks like @Aezhenn to me.
  16. Grass Yes

    Bud Bee Grinders

    Judging from EE, this probably true. Although I don't know if combustors are going for another plate.
  17. Grass Yes

    Pinch Hitter by Vapvana

    Or one of the many many inexpensive PID controllers with a toggle power switch.
  18. Grass Yes

    Cloud Connoisseur Glass

    I went to go snap a photo and I remembered that my V2 is 14mm and I only have 18mm drop downs 😄
  19. Grass Yes

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    All the stainless steel ones have the ugly bottom.
  20. Grass Yes

    Pinch Hitter by Vapvana

    How are you proposing this would work? If the PID controller has a power button that's required to start, how would this help?
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