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  1. DabbedOut33

    Discontinued Pax 2

    Is it true this company has disassociated itself from the term "Ploom"? I haven't seen that term used on any of the pieces on their site, as I am very interested in getting one to add to my collection.
  2. DabbedOut33

    Drive Thru Dabs: What Not To Do At Work

    Drive thru dabs might not be the best idea at work, but that's just my opinion. Reference:
  3. DabbedOut33

    Is Marijuana Cultivation Responsible For California's Drought?

    According to a new study, illegal marijuana grows are the main causes of the devastating drought that's effecting California at the moment. What researchers fail to mention are the millions of marijuana plants that are burned by the DEA every year. Reference...
  4. DabbedOut33

    Canna-Weird News

    So far, opposition for a proposed medical marijuana bill has been qualified as nothing less than absurd. Topping the list of the most outrageous claims, DEA special agent, Matt Fairbanks, stated in testimony to the Utah Senate that “Reefer Madness” would cause the state’s wildlife to be stoned...
  5. DabbedOut33

    Nectar Collector by Kristian Merwin

    Thanks for this reference....I just saw that cheap knock off nectar collector online in that initial post, but this looks like the real thing!
  6. DabbedOut33

    Nectar Collector by Kristian Merwin

    Modnote: Some of the following posts were merged from another thread. If anyone is curious about what a nectar collector is or how to use one, this is a great reference. These alternative dab rigs use a vertical vaporizing process that supposedly helps you gauge your intake of concentrates...
  7. DabbedOut33

    Highlights From the First High Times Cannabis Cup of the Season

    Did anyone else have a chance to check this out in Cali? I heard there were a lot of top grade dabs, buds, and glassware, but didn't know if it was really that great. I kinda wish I would have been there.. :doh: Reference...
  8. DabbedOut33

    Doctor Tests the Effectiveness of Vaporizing Marijuana for Sickle Cell Anemia

    Apparently this new study on vaporizing marijuana for sickle cell anemia patients is gaining approval from the government. According to the doctor's hypothesis, "people will be able to get away with lower doses of opiates with better control of pain when they add vaporized cannabis" to their...
  9. DabbedOut33

    Jeb Bush Use to Smoke Marijuana and Sell Hash at Boarding School

    You and the rest of us...Since Ron Paul wasn't nominated in 2012 my faith in the political process has shriveled like a raisin in the sun. His son, Rand Paul, called Jeb Bush a "hypocrite" because of Bush's exposure as a once marijuana user, but aren't all politicians hypocrites?
  10. DabbedOut33

    Jeb Bush Use to Smoke Marijuana and Sell Hash at Boarding School

    This is good news then...I read "front-runner" somewhere on Weed Blog and repeated it. Scott Walker can have my vote anyday over Bush....
  11. DabbedOut33

    Jeb Bush Use to Smoke Marijuana and Sell Hash at Boarding School

    In case you guys aren't familiar with Jeb Bush, George W's bro, you guys should be. He's supposedly the front runner for the GOP and their run for the presidential election of 2016. What's crazy is that this guy use to smoke marijuana and sell hash while going to boarding school, despite being a...
  12. DabbedOut33

    New Approved Government Research on Vaporizers and CBD Oil

    Hey Guys, I'm new to this forum, but wanted to share some exciting news about a new study on vaping marijuana that you guys might find useful. This new study looks at medical marijuana's effect on pain and inflammation associated with sickle cell anemia. It looks like the feds are finally...
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