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  1. ExoticZombie

    Retailer Announcements

    Exotic Zombie is back!!! Until Oct 7th we are offering FREE SHIPPING! Best kief boxes out there. Sturdy beyond belief. Made in USA. Hand crafted, custom boxes made to order!
  2. ExoticZombie

    Retailer Announcements

    Alright boys & girls.... We have retooled our website! Check it out There's a how to video, lots of photos of kief boxes, & we are currently sifting through emails to find all the positive feedback we've received on our product! If you have any you'd like to share...
  3. ExoticZombie

    Retailer Announcements

    I know I sent an email, but figured I would post the answer here as well in case anyone else was wondering. (: The standard glass lid comes clear. The pictures that show designs on the lids are actually done on a mirror using etching cream (chemical) and were done for the Seattle...
  4. ExoticZombie

    Retailer Announcements

    OK... thanks to Vapeworld for passing along this site to us. And thanks to all of our loyal fans! It looks like nothing but goodness here. (: Exotic Zombie is officially making our shaker box presence felt. Feel free to contact us with any questions you might have...
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