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  1. clouded vision

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler Here it is, thanks to @alltoreup You have to buy the stopper separate
  2. clouded vision

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    So much drama the last 2 days. :disgust: Time to take a break and toke a bowl. :chill:
  3. clouded vision

    Bagging the Bags. Need some guidance

    Let me start by saying I have no experience with the nano so I can't really compare anything to that. If you want one right away, you can rule out the HI as there is a long wait list (8+ months last I knew). It is definitely worth the wait though. I am currently on my second HI. I had one...
  4. clouded vision

    Trying to get back into vaping, help a brotha out

    Both my logs can milk a tube faster and thicker than my LSV ever could but I also run them hot with a vvps. In fact both milk faster than my VXC does, but I also don't push the temperatures for fear of burning it out. The VXC is the best mix of both super thick clouds and flavor IMO but my logs...
  5. clouded vision

    Anyone Fish? Garden? Hunt? Guns?

    Great thread. I absolutely love any activity that gets me outside. Some of my favorite activities include white tail & waterfowl hunting, or fishing for smallies, chain pickerel, perch or anything else thats biting. I love canoeing down a creek or through flooded timber or taking the boat out...
  6. clouded vision

    No More Gn0me!? I'm bummed, what's the next best

    how about a vapocane, or I bet you could find a glass blower who could make one for you.
  7. clouded vision

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    it looks like they were trying to copy a contrabasso but very poorly designed. my guess would be it will function more like a Sov pillar where the water doesn't fall back to the bottom until you stop pulling, just my guess though.
  8. clouded vision

    Recyclers - Discussion and Appreciation

    I have no doubt that as long as the money makes it there he will take care of you and even though the post office gets it there 99% of the time, I can't afford to end up in that 1%. honestly though you should be fine, it just scared me to much to send it
  9. clouded vision

    Recyclers - Discussion and Appreciation

    I pre-ordered the incycler also and I ended up buying a different piece instead because he wanted cash. it's not that I don't trust Justin, $420 from each of us won't make up for the damage ti his name if he doesn't follow through. I didn't do it because I don't trust usps. if he would have...
  10. clouded vision

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    awesome find. mine is on the way.
  11. clouded vision

    Recent Acquisitions - Post Your New Pieces Here

    China glass is looked down on because the raw glass is inferior to German or American raw Boro tubes, with imperfections in the glass that make it weaker. Also a lot of pieces coming out of China are poorly made, but that seems to be improving recently, or at least with the few gems people are...
  12. clouded vision

    Recyclers - Discussion and Appreciation

    the windowpane looks nice but his twisted coriolis sputnik recycler is my dream piece. Of course on a government employees salary, I would have to win the lottery to justify a purchase like that. I personally would avoid a sovereignty recycler. Sovereignty is a great brandwith very high...
  13. clouded vision

    29.2mm-->18.8mm Glass Adapter?

    I would try searching scientific supply stores or scientific glass suppliers before a blower. Most blowers buy their joints from suppliers unless they make a hand ground joint. Best case you are paying mark up for a blower to order it for you, worst case you are paying them to make you a...
  14. clouded vision

    29.2mm-->18.8mm Glass Adapter? here it is in a low profile
  15. clouded vision

    Arizer Solo

    This is the one you want from radio shack, it comes with a free tip, you need tip B. IIRC it was around $23
  16. clouded vision

    Arizer Solo

    The bent stem will also have slightly more condensation where the vapor particles "bounce" off the bend but this is negligible at best and definitely wouldn't lead to noticeably smaller clouds which now has me questioning why I'm even writing this in the first place lol
  17. clouded vision

    glass on glass options

    While generally it is better to have separate pieces for flowers and oils, there is no reason you couldn't use that piece for oils while you save for a nice oil rig. Like others have said you will need an adapter, nail, dome (or a domeless nail) and a torch. I suggest the $30 Bed Bath& Beyond...
  18. clouded vision

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    I doubt the delrin is burning. Most likely the concentrate was loaded too quickly and burned. I know I did the same thing the first couple times I loaded my old rev. I used to wonder why everyone raved over the flavor from the TV products until I took my time loading it and then I got it.
  19. clouded vision

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler
  20. clouded vision

    Reccommendations for plug in vape

    The LSV also does direct draw very well with the transfer wand. Although it is slightly more awkward than the SSV, I actually preferred the LSV over the SSV even when dry.
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