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  1. Clear_Dome

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    cooooolll I wanna see it !!!NOWW
  2. Clear_Dome

    Clear Dome glass

    the kiln cost me like 800 cad ....the cad dollar is worst than it ever been soo piss me off .... for a 8x6x7 inch digital kiln (what is the half of what I realy want but I cant get it under 2 - 2.5k ..) I cant make any piece bigger than 8 inch but for now I will have to do with it...
  3. Clear_Dome

    New Extreme Tips

    just ream the hole not the whole tube ....cause at the end of the elbow (where the plastic tube conect) it is tapper just ream the end is enought to get a better airflow some of you ask befor like I said in my glass thread , my kiln is finaly on the way :D I'm suppose to get it in...
  4. Clear_Dome

    Clear Dome glass

    my kiln is on the way :D so in about a week or 2 I'll be able to make some mad custom glass for your vaporizer :D
  5. Clear_Dome

    New Extreme Tips

    yes they are this is why I said to add a ballon atachement to the end of the whip
  6. Clear_Dome

    New Vaporizer Section

    that's what I wanna hear man !!!! I 'm bored to use my vg ....I want something new and better ....but I didnt found anything yet ......but if you use vg just some time is not like using it everyday ....cause of the learning curve is a bad ass vap work LOL I'm so hurry to see...
  7. Clear_Dome

    New Vaporizer Section

    vg is a beast man is ugly (the maple one) I still look like a retarded when ''smoke with my wood pipe'' LOLL but man this is the best portable that I had use for now ......still waiting my I-inhale HAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  8. Clear_Dome

    New Vaporizer Section

    .....i'm sure my vg is better !!!!
  9. Clear_Dome

    What's on your menu?

    haha it's funny I was thinking there was just cold chix in alaska .......:P
  10. Clear_Dome

    New Vaporizer Section

    as I am a machinist I would say this thing cost like 5$ to make + time but I never saw it in real so I cant realy say it overpriced .....but it look like
  11. Clear_Dome

    New Vaporizer Section

    I think the screen are use as heat acumulator ...but Imay be worng i did'nt dig it a lot
  12. Clear_Dome

    What's on your menu?

    :rofl: OMG thats the joke the the day man LOLLL but yes people of the same sex can married together LOLLL ... this bring me once again to this ....where the hell I'm I livin LOLLL what a fucked up cowntry .....but it's cool to live here ...the only wickness is the cold weater during the winter...
  13. Clear_Dome

    What's on your menu?

    yeah I know this is why you should all move in canada :D joke .....nice shibba buddy ! look yummy
  14. Clear_Dome

    New Vaporizer Section

    I hear some of you talking about this : but first time i see pix ....what the hell is that ?? how it work ?? just cam across this ...
  15. Clear_Dome


    ^^^ word ^^^ I do the same
  16. Clear_Dome

    What's on your menu?

    to be honest I dont guive a #$%% about the legality LOL If want I can smoke a join on the main street without hidding me or be fear to be arested LOL ?! legal or not it does'nt realy matter kids sell drugs gouvernement thief $ and police is corupt so nobody realy care about lil...
  17. Clear_Dome

    VRIPtech Heating Tool

    any pix ?
  18. Clear_Dome

    What's on your menu?

    hahaha !!!! I would realy love to make one of those trip one day !! like in the movies :lol:
  19. Clear_Dome

    Best Portable Vape?

    for now I still love my VG :P
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