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  1. Chubba

    My first impression of marijuana: it's a very overpriced sleep aid.

    What a bummer dude. The first times smoking were absolutely mindblowing, highly psychedelic and hilarious. I would love to go back and experience that over again. Now (for the past 10 years), it's just kick back... smile and buzz out, watch some DVD's, eat something tasty and have a nice long...
  2. Chubba

    How Do You Observe?

    I base my vaping technique in public around police, I don't worry about the general public in the slightest, sometimes you have to watch for security guards or other public officials because they will call the police... but your standard person going past, no problem. With that in mind, choose...
  3. Chubba

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Definitely go have a look through my water filtered PD experience, I opted for a more complex setup involving whip tubing + a ground glass bong adaptor, worked out better then planned... hits like an absolute champ and VERY intuitive, no upside down PD needed. EDIT: Also in regards to burning...
  4. Chubba

    Whats the best tubing to use on my EXTREME vaporizer?

    Definitely have the tubing as short as possible. My PD to Roor setup has under 1 foot of tubing. Smaller bongs are much better I've found, this ones a little too large atm.
  5. Chubba


    Not as good as a regular lighter, works, but the flame is inconsistent and sometimes not large enough for cloudy hits.
  6. Chubba

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Serious? You must have a slightly different shape at the top or a closer HE, my PD is 100% safe against any surface bar pretty much small fingers deliberately stuck down into the HE. You can hold the PD directly against your face, even push it in, no burn... I do it everytime I vape, nice and warm.
  7. Chubba

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    I want some reassurance that I'm not completely stupid... but has anyone else ever stuck the wrong end of the stem in there mouth when blowing out the material? Holy shit, did it again last night, 3rd time I've done it... extremely hot metal vs. soft lip tissue = KO! Very painful :ninja:
  8. Chubba

    How long does a 1oz. of good bud last you in you vaporizer

    1oz, 2 months in the PD... vaping everynight + ALL day on weekends.
  9. Chubba

    When you get sick?

    I used 99.7% iso happycamper. When I clean my PD tubes, the stuff works in 30 seconds, it's absolutely amazing. Find the good stuff :D
  10. Chubba

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    That's moving it... basically any time unplugged = time needed plugged in to get back to ideal temp. So if it takes you 5 mins to move from your bedroom to the car, 5 mins in the car and it's back to temp. Hitting it without power though is a whole different animal, 1 hit and you can basically...
  11. Chubba

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Yep, no chance, 1 good hit unplugged and the temp drops rapidly.
  12. Chubba

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    I have a lot of free time on my hands, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest to spend 100 hours on a single unit... I have faith that I would be able to make something that produces good vapor by buying top parts + directly copying all the best designs :D I'm not looking at supplying any, just...
  13. Chubba

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    We're stuck in the middle of nowhere on a PD-less island now! Someone should go make an Aussie version, I reckon it would sell quite well. I've just started sourcing parts, between my woodworking uncle and my boiler making brother who have agreed to help, I'm hoping to knock up some backup PD...
  14. Chubba

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Ahhhh well, no more PD's for Australian's... hope to god my PD doesn't break. Guess somebody else is going to have create a similar product for our market. I have a bunch of free time, I might put my highschool wood working skills into practice and try and whip up a replica.
  15. Chubba

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    EDIT: LOL, wrong brand, my bad... thought you were suggesting someone buy a Weedstar
  16. Chubba

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Oh noes :( :(:(:( Guess I'm going to have to attempt to make something myself. That is very disappointing Tom :( this unit changed my life :( Argh, goddamnit... I should have acted way sooner, I'm sort of upset :(
  17. Chubba

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Tom what wood would you recommend to a user wanting a 2nd PD? Beauty aside, pure durability (different to cherry though)? I'm about to move out rural (sooo goddamn rural I'm not even on the postal route) and would love a backup to my only device.
  18. Chubba

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Go to the chemist/pharmacist/drug store catlady, you might not be able to find one that's a perfect fit like the purple, but it will be small enough so you dont waste the ISO. I only use 1 tube, I just ISO it in the purple every 50 bowls and it's perfect :D
  19. Chubba

    Heineken anyone?

    Woah... what beer do you put in it? Does it accept the 5L heineken kegs? Or you have to get something special.
  20. Chubba

    Question from a casual smoker

    I don't see the warm up as a problem unless you're a spontaneous user. I ALWAYS know 45 minutes before I'm going to get high, it's never a spur of the moment decision.
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