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  1. vapin baby boomer

    Discontinued The Firefly Vaporizer

    Question: I've used my Firefly four or five times now. I was using the plastic pick to break up a clump and notice the screen moved a little from side to side. Is this normal?
  2. vapin baby boomer

    Discontinued The Firefly Vaporizer

    Thanks Mitch. I've been following your story from the very beginning. Now that you have had all three colors, which do you like the best and do you think there is a substantial difference in the way all three have performed? What will you do if the red one also combusts? Does anybody have the AC...
  3. vapin baby boomer

    Discontinued The Firefly Vaporizer

    Thank you all. A week ago I decided to purchase a new vaporizer. Previous experience included a MFLB and a cheap pen clone that usually combusted. After years of Marlboros, harsh pipes and even smoking tars and residue during dry times, I have a fairy mild case of COPD. The firefly is fantastic...
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