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  1. Peloton

    A reason I think I would benefit from medicinal mj

    I love reading your posts weedemon. I see a lot of parallels in our lives, and thought processes in situations. Some of us are just on a different wavelength of sorts, I agree :) I've gone through the same thing with a few girls I've tried with... the same anxiousness/dilemma about...
  2. Peloton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    The best thing to use that everyone has is part of a cotton shirt, IMO. I just ripped the sleeve off an old (clean) work shirt, that's what I apply underbutter with. I take my time with her, methodically working the butter into the thirsty grain as I admire her beauty. I am a little obsessive...
  3. Peloton

    Best of the Underdog Vaporizer thread

    The best thing to use that everyone has is part of a cotton shirt, IMO. I just ripped the sleeve off an old (clean) work shirt, that's what I apply underbutter with. I take my time with her, methodically working the butter into the thirsty grain as I admire her beauty. I am a little obsessive...
  4. Peloton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    I'm looking forward to doing this when I get another 4pc. grinder to replace my 2pc. SC. Do you just make a sandwich in herb, kind of?
  5. Peloton

    Ridiculously Large Thermovape Kit

    Sorry to hear about the untimely death of your piece! Well if you are interested in parting out to fund a new bubbler, I'd make an offer on some stuff. That extended length black drip tip, the tenergy wall charger, and the Revolution interface interest me. Just let me know. By the way, I was...
  6. Peloton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Hey guys and gals. Reporting back to say that the VVPS brings my UD to a whole new level! I have a routine down, I can cash a bowl in less hits, thus my sessions have become shorter and even more effective :) 1. Medium/fine grind, not MFLB fine but a little finer than I go for the...
  7. Peloton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Woke up in the middle of the night, a wave of nausea was just beginning to kick my ass. I quickly grabbed my nearest loaded stem of blueberry something or another (what's in a name, anyways?), and after a few puffs, blissful relief was soon to follow. I was able to sleep the rest of the night...
  8. Peloton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Ive used an 18mm 7th floor adapter quite a lot with a friends DBV and his 7th floor bub... yes it does restrict a little, but not as much of a choke as that ^^ one looks to be. Might be worth a shot with the UD! I wonder if the end will fit right into the UD stem too... now that'd be nifty.
  9. Peloton

    How much do you pre-grind?

    +1 for contact cases. Started using it with the MFLB to hold pregrind also, just kind of stuck with me.
  10. Peloton

    Looking for advice deciding on portable vape: DV, wispr, solo, plenty, etc...

    Kudos to you, nomorefire, for making an extremely informed decision, and realizing that one device may or may not meet your needs. I do hope you and your friend like the PAXs when they come :) Then it will be your turn to educate us on a vape! I have personally never heard of vapecritic...
  11. Peloton

    Looking for advice deciding on portable vape: DV, wispr, solo, plenty, etc...

    I am by no means an expert on conduction vs convection, but in my experiences it seems I prefer convection also. Convection vapes work by pulling hot air through your herb, vaporizing the load as you inhale. This gives the vapor a very clean and true taste, IMO. Do note though, that most...
  12. Peloton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    That's some great information OTA :tup: I will have to put a meter to mine and see what it measures. Your trip sounds like it'll be a lot of fun, hope the boss man lets you take plenty of time off to enjoy it! Motorcyling (but mainly dirt bikes) has also been a passion of mine since I was a...
  13. Peloton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Thank you guys... I suppose I will just have to experiment with it once it gets here. I've decided I like keeping my bowls around ~10mm deep with the standard power supply. 5 or 6 deep pulls and it's done producing vapor, but still has enough goodies left in it to make some overpowering...
  14. Peloton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    VVPS has been ordered! What do you guys usually vaporbong with your vvps set at?
  15. Peloton

    Looking for advice deciding on portable vape: DV, wispr, solo, plenty, etc...

    You bring up some great points Stu. The portable vaporizer market is growing rapidly, and there's so many good (and not so good) choices out there. I agree with vorrange, the most obvious solution is to own many vapes. :lol: After watching J.R.R.'s review videos he did on the DaVinci, I've...
  16. Peloton

    Looking for advice deciding on portable vape: DV, wispr, solo, plenty, etc...

    Is there any way I can "Love" a post? :cheers:
  17. Peloton

    Looking for advice deciding on portable vape: DV, wispr, solo, plenty, etc...

    Just saw this... I LOVE shopping on Amazon for almost everything. But when it comes to vaporizers and vaporizer accessories (I'm watching King of the Hill, sorry ;)), I've always stuck to purchasing directly from the manufacturer or a FC Supporting Retailer. All our supporting online shops...
  18. Peloton

    Looking for advice deciding on portable vape: DV, wispr, solo, plenty, etc...

    It seems you're after a very stealthy portable that still delivers satisfying hits... I know it's not on your list, but may I suggest the ThermoVape line of products? I really like my T1 in particular, which replaced my MFLB as my portable. Very much more stealthy than the others you listed...
  19. Peloton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    My VB Mini Hydrator showed up today, and I am very impressed with the quality of it for the price (Still on sale until the end of the month guys!). Right now I'm using it with the standard glass stem, that I have covered in thin silicone tubing from the bowl all the way to the end. The thin...
  20. Peloton

    Introducing new FC Classifieds

    I'm not sure where else to put this... but it bothers me to see a FS thread with "New" or "Brand New" in the title, but I read in the listing that the vape has been used "only a few times" or whatever. Sorry, but that's not new anymore. "Almost New", "Lightly Used" or something along those lines...
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