I ordered the gold controller, the coil, the kickstand, the lollipop, flower pot, and the SiC combo. Figured that would give me a good starting point. Maybe in a couple months the shower head and the coil cover.
Yea, already stewing in my cart =). I was excited to see a cap was offered. Looks like a good one, too. I make my own dry sift from seed so I can't wait to step it up from a torch and a quartz banger. If it's worth doing it's worth doing right, eh.
Hey, I've been in the market for a vape to replace my MFLB and also toying with the idea of getting an Enail and stumbled across this and fell in love. Totally awesome. I love the interaction with the customer base here!
Basically waiting for the SiC dishes then pulling the trigger on a setup...