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  1. Dayseed

    NFC ABV and Milk - 15 minutes

    Plant based milks work too, but you’ll have to increase the fat content using something like coconut oil. Lecithin helps with absorption too. A teaspoon of additional fat and a teaspoon of lecithin per cup usually does the trick.
  2. Dayseed

    AVB Coconut Oil

    My understanding is that lecithin binds with fats in a way that makes them more efficient at absorbing cannabinoids - who doesn’t want more bang for their buck? To the best of my knowledge that applies to all fats, so it should work with vegetable oils. Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but...
  3. Dayseed

    AVB Coconut Oil

    Given that we're talking about ABV, I'd say lecithin is a must-have potency booster.
  4. Dayseed

    AVB Coconut Oil

    I understand now. Using water and the espresso method would prevent the kind of scenario I was thinking of. I'm so accustomed to making cannaoil with a crockpot it hadn't occurred to me that you might be using a different approach. I never saw the point of adding water to the oil, but it...
  5. Dayseed

    AVB Coconut Oil

    I'd always assumed that the efficacy of the infusion would drop off when using larger ratios of flower/ABV. Now I know that isn't necessarily the case, I'll have to save up some ABV and give it a go. My concern is that there would simply be too much ABV in relation to oil. Let's say I...
  6. Dayseed

    AVB Coconut Oil

    The biggest downside with ABV infused oil is that you’ll have to consume a lot more of the finished edibles to achieve the desired effect. That’s the main reason I’ve never bothered with ABV cannaoil and prefer to just make ABV hot chocolate on demand.
  7. Dayseed

    AVB Coconut Oil

    You only tend to get a strong coconut flavour if you use the extra virgin oil. Regular refined coconut oil has a neutral flavour profile. That does however mean that your oil will just taste of ABV, which isn’t to everyone’s taste.
  8. Dayseed

    TinyMight / TM 2

    I appreciate that, but since the Solo I is the only vape I’ve used, it was always going to be the benchmark when it came to looking at an upgrade. In fact I probably wouldn’t be considering using anything else if it wasn’t for the fact that the base plate has begun to disintegrate (it’s like the...
  9. Dayseed

    TinyMight / TM 2

    @Siebter - That’s my understanding too and one of the main reasons why I’ve picked the TM over the Solo II for my next vape.
  10. Dayseed

    Corona Vaping

    This guy gets it ☝️. I mean, how can anyone possibly predict and prepare for something that’s caused numerous extinction events over the course of millennia. What’s important right now is that we think about how badly all this has affected all the bankers and how hard it will be to convince...
  11. Dayseed

    Herb Grinders

    @Snooppossum - I’m still a fan of the ceramic coated SLX. It’s low maintenance and produces a very fluffy grind. On the downside, it doesn’t have interchangeable plates and the threads can get gunked up over time.
  12. Dayseed

    Cannabis News

    It’s actually the US that strong-armed the UN into adopting the drug policy that they wanted rolling out internationally. It’s how the US war on drugs became a worldwide brand with other nations forced to become part of the franchise. So you can’t really complain about the UN wanting to enforce...
  13. Dayseed

    TinyMight / TM 2

    @lordpilko Even with the LED on I’d imagine that the power drain in standby would be negligible.
  14. Dayseed

    TinyMight / TM 2

    @Siebter :rockon:
  15. Dayseed

    TinyMight / TM 2

    That’s good to know @Siebter. Aside from the safety issues you’ve addressed, does the use of an external charger help with the longevity of devices? Also, is it correct that idle batteries should be stored outside a device in a suitable case (for safety)? I’m mostly asking as I tend to be more...
  16. Dayseed

    Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!

    Like a lot of people I’ve known about FC for a while and dipped in as a lurker from time to time. I kind of feel like admitting to using THC in any form is problematic. Even discussing it anonymously on a forum feels like a huge risk...but I’m sick of the pretence now - I want to own this! My...
  17. Dayseed

    TinyMight / TM 2

    That’s a good point @VirginVape10X. It’s not something I’d considered as I’ve always used a vape with a non replaceable battery. I’ve also heard that it’s best to remove batteries when idle and only use an external charger. It would be good to know what the science is behind these safety measures.
  18. Dayseed

    TinyMight / TM 2

    @Shit Snacks - Awesome, thanks! An all glass vapour path is definitely better and cleaner access to reclaim.
  19. Dayseed

    TinyMight / TM 2

    @Shit Snacks - That looks like a really interesting setup and I can appreciate how that might significantly affect the air path. Excuse my ignorance: until about five years ago I had a loooong hiatus from THC and combustion, so I’m not up on all the ins and outs of glassware. I recognise the...
  20. Dayseed

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Sorry @Shit Snacks for asking about a direct comparison in the wrong section of the forum. I’m not sure it’s needed now though - you’ve laid out the main features of the TM in such a way that I have a much better idea of how it will compare with my current vaping experience. I think the big...
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