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  1. purplechango

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Hey weeples Im super new to this forum and to vaping( 15 days and counting). Im trying to vape on a budget :2c: and am lookin at the LB. The experiences Ive read up to now are more or less good. I just really wanted to get away from flame( other wise id get the VG) and bulk. Eventually Ill...
  2. purplechango

    Am I the only mothafucka in the club that still smokes dro

    Hey folks, Im new here and only been vapin' for about 15days?!?!?!?!? :brow: and WOW! i think i've found my zen place. hahaha. And yes up until recently I did just spark up "L's", "j's", whiteboys, blunts, and of course glass pieces. First and foremost, the reason i switched to vapor is...
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