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  1. W

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    That doesn't sound like a USB charger... Or am I forgetting something or not understanding?
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    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    Check the output voltage of the charger. It needs to be ONLY 5V, 1A to 2A. If it says 5V and 9V (or more alternative voltages) it will not work. @Pipes , do you know what is the minimum charge current? Can we plug the hotshot in a PC and have it charge? In my opinion, a little bit more R&D to...
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    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    Most of that is answered in the google docs FAQ. But Pipes is from Ontario IIRC. So that answers two of your questions :) It's really a no brainer. Just buy pipes' IH.
  4. W

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    Here are my result SCS vs BCG Medium VS BCG Fine Amber is medium, onyx is fine. I'll do beauty shots later. EDIT : So happy right now.
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    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    Thanks for that info :) I agree that I'll probably not play with the switch after setting it, but it might still happens (maybe when I switch from SS to Ti or for session length) I'll let the thread know when I'll do it.
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    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    Would you happen to know if there's a lot of current going through that pin? I'm thinking of soldering a little on/off switch to that pin.
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    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    I'll let you know when I receive my BCG (friday maybe :) ). My current grinder is a SCS Large 2Piece. I usually grind by doing 5-6-7 (half) turns and dump everything in a cup. I'll post comparison pictures when I get my BCG
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    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    2/16 ?! Oh... That's just before me (25th) Then I asked them for more stuff. Great people over there! And I just went to check and the shipped everything :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D I'm so hyped to received my full kit :D
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    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    I think it made the wait worst. At least for me. I just added an order for a third plate, and I haven't even received my initial order yet... Ordered a Large BCG Onyx with fine plate, and a D-Capper. 4 weeks later, I ask them to add an hematite coarse plate. And today, I added the Amber medium...
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    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    IMO, if it works it works. The battery might be the only thing I might change, but that would depend on its health.
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    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    I don't have my 19M, but on my Ti that I bought in July has a DY6 cap
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    The D-Capper

    Hi guys, You product looks really nice, almost want to get one. Seeing that you are preparing another product, I would like to share one function I would really like to see on a product like yours is a section where my ground weed ends up where I can simply scoop some material with the...
  13. W

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    Ok. I'll let you all know if it last longer or shorter. I have no problem with my PSM or charger. @goodpunk6 is the one who @ed at you first.
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    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    Would it be beneficial if I were to extract the battery and balance charge it on my skyrc charger? It's been now about 8 months since I received my PSM.
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    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    see this post : It's basically just a 3S 20C lipo battery. But dimensions are important. There's a bonus link in the part list within Pipes' FAQ.
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    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    I did encounter this problem, fixed with captive cap or squeezing the cap. But I wasn't talking about the cap staying in the tube. I meant that the button get stuck and keeps the circuit closed (all leds on). Sometimes it seems like it is just the pads that are pushed too far because I don't...
  17. W

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    Hi, Received a IH module some times ago. waiting for my PSM. I have one comment on my IH module. I found out that the silicone pieces get stuck on the button. Have you had the same problem on another one ? I use the two pieces, with both my SS 2019 Tip and TiTip. With one piece, i felt like...
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