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  1. kingofnull

    The FC Bubbler by PlanetVape

    Outlet hose?
  2. kingofnull

    Arizer Solo

    I think that's what I saw Vito using in the past.
  3. kingofnull

    Arizer Solo

    I also recall this
  4. kingofnull

    Arizer Solo

    I wonder if it gunks up the Solo heater port at all?
  5. kingofnull

    Arizer Solo

    Neither. Pinnacle WT.
  6. kingofnull

    Arizer Solo

    About 11.1". I'm also awaiting my stubby 14mm PVHES. I've decided to add an extra o-ring to my Solo also, as the stems could be more secure, and it'll be more natural to remove the PN WT without holding the stem in place.
  7. kingofnull

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    It's strange, because even from the photos of a stripped Pinnacle, I was able to figure out where/how to physically replace the battery.
  8. kingofnull

    Vaporbrothers Dabbler & Eleven Pen

    Was just thinking the other day that would be a useful 'feature' in the summer.
  9. kingofnull

    JyARz Storage Containers

    Thank you. The only reason I don't own a Jyarz right now is the sizing.
  10. kingofnull

    Nectar Collector by Kristian Merwin

    Thanks for confirming.
  11. kingofnull

    Arizer Solo

  12. kingofnull

    Nectar Collector by Kristian Merwin

    Thought joint wax was supposed to be a lubricant...
  13. kingofnull

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    Good call. And I'm sorry I didn't say it before, but congratulations. Gizmodo has a huge audience. You guys definitely deserve all the positive press you get. Don't own a Pinnacle proper, but your PN WT is about the best thing to happen to me since vaping :)
  14. kingofnull

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    How much did that cost you?
  15. kingofnull

    The HI

    Alan that looks fucking amazing. Can you transfer me from the HI list to the GTV list :lol:? Actually, just keep me on both.
  16. kingofnull

    The Amazing Vapor Lung!!!

    I think what makes it neatest is that it's pretty much free.
  17. kingofnull

    Discontinued A Hot Pod

    FINALLY a video of the GBD tube!
  18. kingofnull

    The HI

    Pics or it didn't happen :mmmm:
  19. kingofnull

    E-Nano from Epickai

    What the 'H'? Why didn't I get a notification about this!? Nice Nano Enchantre, welcome to the club :)
  20. kingofnull

    DG Glow in the Dark Mini Can

    It looks like colored glass, not resin.
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